Chapter -2 The desire

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As Nattrin approached him at his bed chambers .he noticed Kyle lost in thought, seemingly pondering on to the thoughts of him in his own bedroom out in the open where kyle failed to notice the presence of another person.

Seeing kyle lost in his on world ,Nattrin dismissed the guards and closed the door to the bed chambers .Nattrin couldn't contain his thoughts any longer. He was constanly bewitched by the beauty laying down on the vast expanse of the mattress before him.

The wind blowing from the outside balcony cascading over the curtains and the mattress in gentle waves was making Nattrin do the unthinkable.

Kyle's moans were too loud that it was igniting a fire within Nattrin.He couldn't hold on any longer .He reached out, grabbing the back of Kyle's hair, and kissed him passionately.

Every glance that he saw in kyle, every touch he sensed, seemed to stoke the embers of desire in him , leaving him burning with a lust.

With each stroke, his breath hitched, and soft moans escaped from his lips, punctuated by my name ......

Nattrin ....hmm...

which was whispered like a prayer.

The room seemed to pulse with the rhythm of his desire, every touch that he made me watch was sending shivers of pleasure through my body body. My name, uttered in moments of ecstasy, became a mantra, a melody that fueled my passion for him to be mine.

Each gasp and whispered syllable carried the weight of longing and intimacy, creating a symphony of pleasure in the solitude of his own embrace

As kyle moaned when he reached his ecstacy.Nattrin saw how kyle hold out his member from his pyjamas ,in between the moans .Nattrin saw how Kyle was stroking himself and reaching out to him .He called out Nattrin's name "" aaahhhh Natrrinn ....... in the midst of his intimate moments, a mix of surprise and delight washed over in kyle's mind .when he saw Nattrin holding him back from touching his member.He saw the way Nattrin clasped their finger together he felt he was kissed every where for very first time .

Kyle's breath came in ragged gasps as Nattrin's forceful thrusts sent waves of pleasure coursing through him. Every movement, every touch, ignited a fire within Kyle, leaving him in a state of euphoria. Kyle was moaning everytime Nattrin pounded into him.

His moans mingled with the sounds of their passionate encounter, filling the room with a symphony of desire.

Nattrin was lost in his thoughts by the beauty that took his breath away.It was as if time had paused to showcase this moment of beauty, leaving him spellbound by what lay before his eyes. He couldn't help but admire the beauty laying on the bed which that radiated a shockwave of heat in his body, the enchanting figure laying in front of him was making him do the unthinkable.

Nattrin's primal instincts took over, driving him to new heights of lust by looking at kyle .Nattrin was at his peak.

The intensity of his passion felt for Kyle was like a wild animal unleashed, Nattrin was consumed by the intoxicating allure of Kyle's body. There was no holding him back, Nattrin was ripping off the last piece of garment that kyle had on him .He was in no limits to stop their shared ecstasy.

Kyle, lost in the overwhelming sensations he felt , He found himself completely captivated by Nattrin's striking features. His jawline carved with perfection, his eyes reflecting a depth of desire that mirrored Kyle's own longing.

It was a magnetic attraction, a pull that transcended mere physical desire and delved into the realms of obsession.

In that moment, as their bodies moved in unison, Kyle realised that Nattrin was more than just handsome, even in his state Kyle was enchanted by Nattrins chiseled chest, raising with each breath as he thrusted into him to the bliss of their shared passion.

kyle was clutching onto Nattrin like a moth to a the flame,Even in the dim lighted room .he couldn't stop staring at the dishevelled hair falling off from his face , the sweat dripping from his sculpted face ,every touch and whisper from Nattrin was igniting a fire within Kyle that consumed them both.

In that moment, nothing else mattered except the intoxicating bodies and the symphony of their hearts beating as countless hours of their intimacy session and in the palace ground and all the other places that they have explored near to the palace have made them shameless.

Kyle was panting hard under Nattrins strong thrust, he was violating s insides the way powerful than he expected him to be .As he stood there above kyle , he was afmiring every inch of the man he fall in love with.the man who exuded an aura of power and grace, like a god Adonis himself sculptured into a deity taking the shape of a human.

Nattrin himself was a tantalizing enigma, a forbidden fruit that Kyle couldn't resist devouring. He always felt their connection went beyond the physical, igniting a passion that burned hotter with each passing second.

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