17. note

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So in that update pretty much nothing happens .... they went to meet Arjun das.... and his friend ..... they were quite close to each other in the sense that Sivaangi's order was given by Harsha and Harsha 's order give by Sivaangi.... after the food arrived both shared both the food ... sivaaythen recives a call from her parents jn Harsha's phone as she forgot her phone in hotel .... she gets scolded for that. .. but Arjun and his friend feel like third wheeling them and they r surprised to see the comfort level Harsha and Sivaangi had with each other. Later they orders desserts and Harsha praises Sivaangi's cooking .... the deserts arrived and Harsha complains that it's not as tasty as Sivaangi makes and Sivaangi promises to make that for him as soon as they return back.   

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