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SOMETHING WAS WRONG, he wakes up seeing  himself as a black cat running through an eerie forest, with voices whispering all around him. Every time he looks up, he sees shadows lurking in the trees, watching him with glowing eyes. The air feels heavy and cold, and he knows that he's being followed by something. He tries to yell for help, but no sound comes out of his mouth.

Suddenly, all the whispers stop at once, and everything goes quiet. The forest is now completely silent, with no signs of life anywhere. Then, a piercing laughter fills the air, and [M/N] knows that whatever is after him is not human. He tries to run, but his legs are paralyzed. The laughter grows louder, and he feels a strange energy surging through him. Just when he thinks he's about to meet his end, he meows out loud. The laughter stops as [M/N] hisses aggressively. Even if it's a nightmare, he's not letting no damn creature punk him in his dreams.

Our protagonist is quite nonchalant about being a cat, but at the same time, he feels a hidden anger at how helpless he is. He's used to ruling the forest, yet now he's a cat, unable to defend himself. He wanders through the forest, sniffing at the ground and trying to find something that might help him escape his nightmare. But there are no clues, no way out. He feels trapped, and the more he thinks about it, the more his anger boils inside him. Every time he tries to make a move, he feels like he's being held back by some unseen force. He tries to purr, hoping that it will calm him down, but it only makes him more frustrated. He wants to roar, to let out the pent-up anger and frustration, but he can't. He's stuck in his cat form, unable to escape, unable to defend himself.

[M/N] feels a sudden shift as he comes upon a tree. It's a tall, dark tree, with leaves the color of midnight. And as he gets closer, he realizes that the tree is talking to him. At first, he's hesitant to approach, but something inside him compels him to move closer. The tree speaks in poetry rhythms, its voice soft and soothing.

"Beware, black cat," it says. "Your path is dark and twisting. Your life as a teen murder will lead you down a road of pain and misery. You must choose a different path, or face the consequences."

Despite the warning, the black cat feels a strange pull towards the tree. He wants to hear more, to understand what the tree is trying to tell him. But he also feels torn, as if there's something keeping him from pursuing this path. He knows that he's trapped in his nightmare, unable to act or change anything.

Suddenly, the sound of sirens fills the air, the light of flashing lights spilling into the forest. The black cat hears shouting and the sound of footsteps, coming closer with every passing second. He knows that he has to run, but the tree's words echo in his mind. Is there still time to change his fate, or is he doomed to a life of misery and pain?

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