Chapter 6

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Fai shaked his leg nervously as he sat in the empty locker room. Perhaps his early arrival contributed to the desolation. He could feel bile rising in his throat. He was extremely nervous.

"Are you okay?" the sudden voice startled him. Fai turned to meet a pair of concerned eyes. The boy looked about the same age as him, with brown hair and light brown eyes. He tossed his duffel bag on the bench before sitting next to him. "You don't look so good."

"No, I'm fine" Fai assured him. "Just a little anxious."

"I'm sure you'll do great" The boy gave him a warm smile. "Have you eaten anything today?" he raised an eyebrow.

"I don't think I actually did" Fai gave the stranger a weak smile.

"I knew it" the boy uttered before stuffing his hands into his duffel bag. "Here, eat this." He handed him a cheese sandwich.

"You have to wait at least one hour after eating before you go swimming" Fai chuckled lightly.

"Given your current state, I don't see the prospect of you even making it to the pool" the boy gestured towards the sandwich. "Eat it, you'll need the energy if you wanna make the team."

Fai thanked the stranger before eating the sandwich, realising hunger was the reason for his pounding headache. He topped it off with some water before changing into his swim trunks.


The crowd buzzed with excitement, eager to witness the race. Fai stood at the edge of the pool, his heart pounding against his ribs. He adjusted his goggles and took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing thoughts.

"Swimmers, take your marks!" Coach Carter's command silenced the crowd. Fai crouched on his starting block, eyes filled with determination.


He dove into the water with precision, the cool rush enveloping him. His strokes were strong and deliberate. However, after making it halfway through the pool, his muscles began to ache. Fai ignored the discomfort and tried to focus on his technique. He kicked harder, propelling himself forward.

The other swimmers moved gracefully, their skills evident. Fai felt a surge of adrenaline, knowing he had to prove himself among such talented competitors. Turning at the wall, he pushed off with renewed vigor, his lungs burning for air. With the finish line in sight, he gave one final burst of speed, his entire body straining. And then, with a final stroke, he touched the wall, breathless and exhausted. He looked up at the clock, heart pounding in anticipation.


"Hey wait up!" Fai caught up to the brunette he had met earlier.

"Oh hi" he smiled back. "Congratulations on making the team" he did a mini dance of celebration.

"Thanks, congrats to you too" Fai joins in on the dance. "And thank you so much for the sandwich. If it weren't for you, I would've blacked out and drowned in that pool" he says gratefully.

"No problem. If only everyone took my advice." He chuckled. "By the way, what's your name?"

"Fai. And you?"




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