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lantilda just posted on instagram

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liked by landonorris, ln4 and others

lantilda now i know i can't be the only one who thinks they would make gorgeous children
(tagged: landonorris, matilda)

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landonorris can confirm we would, i inverted a photo of us as a joke on a night out and they were the cutest thing ever
|lantilda i'm gonna cry, that's so cute
|lewisversace please don't have a baby with my big sister
|landonorris not happening any time soon anyway mate, don't you worry


matilda just updated their story on instagram

matilda just updated their story on instagram

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it was currently one in the afternoon in Monaco, she had honestly just been sat in Lando's bed, in her pajamas, since she had arrived

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it was currently one in the afternoon in Monaco, she had honestly just been sat in Lando's bed, in her pajamas, since she had arrived. she knew that Lando would probably be on the plane. the flight was around 20 hours long and was due to get to Nice airport by eleven pm.

that time rolled around slower than Matilda had expected. she had gotten a few hours of sleep in, wrote almost an entire song and even scribbled down some poems. she heard the door open at eleven thirty, she had already switched the lights off around the apartment and waited in Lando's room for him to come in.

however, he didn't seem to be moving from the living room. the door had shut behind him, Matilda had heard that then she heard a few footsteps but nothing after that. quietly walking out of his bedroom, Matilda tiptoed to the front room letting out a quiet giggle at the sight in front of her.

Lando's suitcase resting against the kitchen island and the man himself laying flat on his stomach on the sofa, his mouth parted as small snores left his lips. how he fell asleep after five minutes of being in the building, Tilly would never know but who was she to judge, she could fall asleep practically anywhere

snapping a quick picture, she decided to wake the man up. gently shaking him "wake up, your backs gonna kill you if you sleep here". Lando just let out a groan, groggily getting up and dragging his suitcase into his room, his eyes squinting with sleep as he walked, Matilda following along behind him.

Once entering his room, his eyes snapped open with shock, any normal day and he would have just slept on his sofa but he had just been woken up by someone who should not have been in his flat. spinning on his heel, he turned to face the girl with a surprised look

"tils what the actual fuck are you doing here" the man grinned, jumping in his spot slightly

"thought i'd come and surprise you so we can travel to china together" she smiles back, letting the man child pull her into a hug, his arms wrapped tightly around her waist as she threw her arms over his neck "okay enough, you've got me all day tomorrow before you have to go back to training, get changed and sleep"

"yes ma'am" the boy gave her a mock salute and headed into his bathroom while the girl got herself comfortable in his bed. he hadn't stopped smiling even after he had washed his face and changed into his pajama bottoms and walked back into his room. he climbed into bed beside his best friend, pulling her into his side.

the two had many sleepovers in the years they had been friends and not one has gone where they didn't cuddle. they were affectionate best friends despite the longing feelings they both felt yet refused to admit too. it didn't take long for the boy to fall asleep, Matilda scrolled through her phone as he held her close deciding to post something on Instagram. a ding ringing on Lando's phone as soon as she hit post. he has her notifications on

 he has her notifications on

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liked by lantilda, daniel.jpg and others

matilda i suppose surprising my best friend worked even though he fell asleep on the sofa before i could even surprise him (i was literally hiding in the bedroom)(yes, lando norris is a stage 5 clinger)

view all 2376 comments

lantilda you guys are just the cutest! also are we really surprised lando fell asleep on the sofa?? that man falls asleep anywhere
|matilda he's a man child babe, nothing surprises me with him anymore

oscarpiastri to be honest tilly, you could have been stood in front of him and he still wouldn't have noticed
|matilda TRUE

user64 girl get tf away from him

user4 girl bye are you dating or not? bc it fucking looks like it

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