64. Dealing With It

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*Warning: Brax will talk like a kid, so when he talks, it will have some errors, just so you know it's on purpose. The only experience I have with kids that age is with my nephew so... yeah. Unless you want me to write Brax's part correctly, though then you don't get to complain "Kids don't talk like that", lol.


It felt as if I was mourning my family. 

It hurt a lot how my mom reacted to everything. Damn, I didn't even get to tell them about the rest of my secrets, like I wasn't a fucking human anymore.

But I had to be honest with myself, I wasn't so surprised by my mother's reaction, but her words were what hurt me. I mean yeah, I expected her to be angry and maybe a bit disappointed because human ways are totally different from supernatural ways.

Damn, Phoenix explained that Werewolves and vampires would often mark and mate the same day they found their mates. And even though the process with dragons was slower since they didn't get a destined mate, they would celebrate their mating ceremony within the same year they met.

But of course, in the human world, if you marry someone that you met just a few months ago, it would be considered a red flag, and people would insist that you wait until at least a year or two since meeting your partner. Which is fair.

There were psychos everywhere.

But Phoenix and I were different. Maybe dragons didn't have fated mates, but I think destiny had a role in pairing them.

I don't think it was a coincidence I found Brax's egg. I think Phoenix and I were meant to meet, and after mating with him, our bond and connection grew. This was a done deal. Like some creatures, dragons mate for life.

I didn't want to postpone my wedding with Phoenix. I wanted to follow the traditions I grew up with and wear a gold band, and have Phoenix wear one too. I wanted to be his, and he mine, and there's nothing official for humans than a wedding.

I always imagined that I would marry first before getting pregnant, but things happen, and honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way.

"Momma? You are still sad."

Brax came to my side in the bank outside in the garden, placing his small hand on my cheek. I turned my face and pretended I was going to eat his hand and he squealed, pulling his hand away.

"Mom!" he giggled, which was music to my ears.

"I'm sorry, little one. It's just... Momma is dealing with some stuff, but it's nothing to worry about, alright?" I caressed his dark curls.

I didn't want to mention my side of the family, in case, you know... things didn't work out. I didn't want Brax to get attached to people who wouldn't last in his life. The mere thought broke my heart.

I mean, I would consider my family dynamic normal. We were close, but not extremely close? The kind of family that would have a weekly family dinner where everyone would come. We would celebrate birthdays and holidays. The normal stuff, you know? Classic middle-class family.

I was closer to Bianca, while Ana and Julio were closer to each other since they were older. I mean, we all got along, but not the kind of relationship where I would go to Ana if I had trouble in school or in life in general.

With Bianca would go to the movies sometimes, or go shopping together when there was a wedding to attend.

Ana and Julio were the first ones to start their family, and in gatherings, the common conversation would be about the kids and stuff, but other than that, we didn't interact much. Which saddened me, but that's how life was.

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