~ Chapter 44 ~

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Ellie's POV:

Sometimes I just wish I never tell people things. If I had just said I was fine to Tobey then I wouldn't be sitting in this chair right now. I get that maybe I shouldn't leave some things without telling Grant, Tobey or James but they'll find out eventually anyways.

"Alright, poppet, can you open up for me please?" Tobey says, as he moves under my head.

"Are you using anything..?" I say to him, shakily before I open my mouth.

"No, poppet. I'll tell you if I do, but I'm just using my fingers for now, okay?"

"Oh..okay...just...be quick.."

"I'll be as quick as I can," He says, smiling.

Tobey's POV:

I want to be able to look at Ellie's mouth quickly, so she doesn't get overwhelmed especially because there's no one else here to help if she gets worked up.

Soon enough I get to the back of her mouth, where her wisdom teeth will grow through. Carefully, I just press with my finger behind her last molar.

Ellie immediately sits up. "Oww!! Tobey that hurt!"

I move to sit next to her, whilst taking my gloves, mask and loupes off.

"I'm sorry, poppet. I didn't expect it to hurt that much...did it really hurt?" I say, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Yeah, it really hurts. What did you do?" Ellie says, her hand on her cheek.

"I'm so sorry, poppet. I was just checking your wisdom teeth to see how close they are to coming through. By the looks of it, they may be impacted.."

Ellie just looks down. "So they're gonna hurt?"

"They might do for a little bit, only because I will have irritated them, but I'll have a chat with Grant and see if we can get you an x-ray today, okay?" I say, reassuringly.

"Why does this always happen to me? When are you gonna tell Grant?"

"I'm sorry, poppet. I'm going to see if he's with a patient now and we'll go from there, okay?"

She nods.

I get up and go to Grant's office and knock on the door.

Grant's POV:

Just as I'm doing some paperwork, there's a knock on the door so I just shout for them to come in.

"Hi mate, are you free for a while?" Tobey says, as he walks into the room.

"Oh, hi mate, yeah I'm free for about an hour, why?"

"Ellie was telling me that something was up with her mouth earlier and I said I'd look for her. I looked and I think her wisdom teeth are going to be impacted..?"

I'm surprised Ellie told Tobey that something was bothering her, but I can imagine it wasn't as easy as Tobey made it out to be.

"Oh..okay. Have you done x-rays?" I say, turning back to my computer to search for Ellie's file.

"No, I haven't done anything other than look at the minute because I figured she's not going to want to do much without you. I was surprised she let me look without you, to be honest."

"Okay, mate. You're probably right. Well, I can come with you now and we can get it done and I can see what needs to be done," I say, getting up from my stool, following Tobey back to his room.

Ellie's POV:

I can hear Tobey coming back into the room, but when the door opens I see Grant instead.

"Hey, E, are you okay?" He says, perching on the end of the dental chair I'm still sitting on.

I just nod, because I know now that Grant is here he's going to want to look now and do stuff.

"Tobey's told me that you told him that you thought there was something up with your mouth earlier?" He says, rubbing my back.

"Mhm.." I say, looking at my lap.

"Well, I was wondering if we could take some x-rays to see what's happening? Just really quick and then we can see if we need to do anything or whether it's alright to leave."

"Do I have to do it right now?" I look up to Grant, tears starting to form in my eyes.

"I'd like you to, E, if you can. I'm free for about an hour so we can take our time. I know this is a lot for you and that it's quite overwhelming, but hopefully once this is sorted, you can just go back to being here for work experience rather than being a patient," he says, smiling at me.

I stay silent as I really don't think I can go through all of this today. I knew from the start that coming to do my work experience at Grant's office was a bad idea. I knew that I wouldn't just be here for work experience and there would be something that meant that I had to be Grant's patient.

"Are you okay, sweetheart?" Tobey asks, as he moves to the side of the chair.

"Mhm.." I say, not trusting my voice.

"E, you know that I would never hurt you. You've had so many check-ups with me so you know how quick and painless they are. All I'm going to do right now is a simple check-up - just a few x-rays and then have a quick look so I can see what's happening - and then if anything needs sorting then we can do it later or even another day if it can wait that long," Grant says, as he rubs my back.

"Okay, I guess. Do it quickly.."

"As quick as we can, baby."

a/n ~ i haven't posted in so long!! sorry!! i'm on break rn, so i'll try to post when i can, but i'm not promising regular uploadsss but here's another!

~ jess :)

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