Chapter Twenty-Two

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Alaric Benson

Valeria dumped another helping of dinner onto my plate. "You are a growing boy, my dear. Please eat another helping."

My spoon was already scooping up another load of rice as she talked. "Yes, Mom. I don't know what I would do without your delicious meals."

"You'd be skin and bones." She smacked my hand with the back of the ladle. "That's what you would be. Do you think you can survive off those Doritos chips and soda? I don't think so. I know you've been eating horrible food on that trip. Come on. Eat. Reset that beautiful palette to Mama's home cooking."

"Yes, Mami." I grinned then shoveled the rice into my mouth. Two days home and she was still on a tangent about our eating habits. "Did you miss us or something?"

Mateo wiped his mouth as he laughed deeply. A belly laugh. "She had no one to cook for. You know my beautiful Val cooks for an army. You boys are her army. And since you boys were asleep all day yesterday, she almost went insane. I kept her busy, though."

"Ay Papi, not needed," Apollo grumbled under his breath. "We were exhausted. And look at that, Mama, I made it back in one piece. Your golden child. Your blood, should I need to remind you of that little fact."

Axton was too busy stuffing his face to make a comment. I was pretty sure Valeria loved him the most. It didn't matter what she cooked–he was inhaling it like it was his last meal before execution. But I couldn't lie, it felt amazing to be home. There was always a burst of Latin music playing through the house speakers when Valeria was home. Whether she was cleaning, cooking, or even reading a book–music was playing.

I missed it. Even though I missed my family, the Diaz family never failed to make sure I felt included in their little family. There were times they wouldn't be home seeing as their jobs did keep them away, but we always held down the fort. They couldn't have any more children after Apollo, so they were more than happy to welcome us–including Declan when he found the time to visit.

Declan hadn't been able to come by as often. He was in his fourth year of pre-med, so he was studying every single night. On top of all that studying was his girlfriend, Aurora. And as cute as their story was, I had my own now. Speaking of which, I should probably...tell them about him.

Since Emery left two days ago to spend time with his family, he'd texted when he could. He let me know he was very busy out and about in Boone, North Carolina. His grandfather apparently loved the mountains, and despite his age, he wanted to go on a hike yesterday. Emery texted me and told me he was far too tired to crawl up a mountain, but he did it anyway. He sent pictures of the views, but other than that, I supposed he crashed once he'd gotten back.

I didn't hear from him again until this afternoon. It was one text that I responded to, then didn't get a response to. I didn't think too much about it. His family needed his attention and I knew all too well what that was like.

"So..." I started as Valeria sat down again. "I do have some news."

Valeria folded her napkin neatly in her lap and folded her hands over her plate. Her smiles were so motherly. One of the things I loved most. "Well, go on, my dear. What news do you have to share?"

Axton dropped his fork, suddenly interested in something I had to say–along with Apollo who was trying not to laugh. They both I was about to be doted on, asked a million questions, and whatever else they could think to say. Mateo and Valeria always were invested when something happened in our lives. Now it was no different considering I'd never brought up any kind of relationship with them.

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