Chapter 2

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Werewolf shifters had left behind many of their traditions as centuries passed. Only pack members could live their lives as true werewolves and unfortunately, only a handful of packs were left around the globe. Others didn't even shift anymore, their wolves trapped in their conscience forever.

Mates however had stuck around. It was the one miracle that families told their pups tales of. It was the one thing a werewolf had left of their true identity.

Vincent grew up anticipating the day he would meet his mate. He had replayed the countless possibilities of their first encounter many times over the years. He had dreamt of the day he would get to hold his bonded one close to his chest.

Yet his imagination had failed to conjure a scenario where he would find his mate curled up in a cold, dark cell.

Many emotions rushed around his brain faster than he could catch up with. He was feeling so much that it almost felt like he was feeling nothing. His eyes were locked on the wolf who had flinched upon their entrance. The room was dark, so Vincent could only see the outline of the beast's fury body from where he was standing.

"We have to sedate him, Alpha."

Vincent wanted to protest. He wanted to pull them back and rush to his mate's side though he couldn't get his body to cooperate.

At his subtle nod, two guards entered first, their guns aimed at his mate who had yet to move. Agent Miller stood back, allowing space for the nurses to observe the still wolf. Vincent took large strides toward his mate, itching to have him in his arms. As he moved further into the room, Nine's form became more visible.

His mind kept assuring the wolf that everything would be okay from now on. That he had him and he would never let him go. That he would work every day of his life to make him happy. He made many promises to Nine, promises that he would rather die than break.

His mate was a large beast. The bulk of the wolf's size was clear despite his nestled position though he was very frail. Every rib, every disc of his spine, his hipbone... Nine's skin sunk in around every bone in his body. Vincent was weary of touching him for fear of hurting him.

Nine whimpered when the needle pierced his thick skin. Vaughn whined alongside his mate as he watched his motionless form. The wolf didn't seem like he needed to be sedated but everyone would feel safer this way.

Vincent watched the scene in front of him pass by in a blur. After a few short minutes, the five men had sedated and caged his mate. Vincent had made sure that they were gentle with him as they loaded the large cage into the back of his car. The man had only managed to escape the state of catatonia when they were on the road. Away from the godforsaken lab. Vincent felt at peace sitting next to the cage, by his mate's side.

"Hey Nine, I'm Vincent." The alpha whispered as he slowly poked his index finger through the bars of the cage to stroke his mate's paw.

Most of his coat was gray with a splatter of white covering his face and muzzle. Vaughn cooed in his conscience at how adorable the wolf was.

"You're so pretty." The alpha smiled in agreement with his wolf. At the words, his mate opened his eyes and raised his eyebrows loopily. The beast tried to growl in warning though the sedatives in his system muffled it, making it sound like a whine.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to make you uncomfortable." Vincent continued to speak in a low voice as he pulled his finger away and offered his mate space. He had touched his mate! "I've been waiting for a very long time to meet you."

"I can't wait to bring you home with me. We're in Florida right now, and we'll be staying at a farm for two weeks before we go back to Michigan. I lead a pack there and you're hopefully going to lead by my side, but if you don't like it there we can go anywhere in the world you want. As long as you're happy."

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