Chapter 14 🎨

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continue living without any form of relationship. Emotions flowed like water. If it was stuck somewhere without any direction to flow towards, all it could do was accumulate.

How long would she last living like this, just focusing on painting alone, talking to no one at all?

Violet started to calculate the exact date she might go insane, but she stopped. She might already be crazy at this point.

She was lying in bed now, but her simmering resentment refused to abate. Violet tried to regulate her breathing several times over.

If only she could express her feelings in color, then it would be completely black, dirty water, to the point that no one would come near her.

An overwhelming sense of lethargy surged within her like a wave. However, at the same time, a certain urge arose as well.

With these feelings as her driving force, what kind of piece would come out of this if she were to paint now?

As she pondered one thing after another, she soon heard a hesitant knock on her door.

“…Come in.”

The moment Violet gave her permission, Mary came in through the threshold. In Mary’s hands was a tray, and atop it was a sweet tart and a drink.

“Umm, I heard that it’s good to eat sweets when angry. …Are you alright, Milady?”

“…Are you asking me how I feel?”

“Yes? Y-Yes! You must be upset, and… I-I must be meddling unnecessarily— Pardon me, I’ll take these back!”

“No, it’s fine. Bring it here.”

Violet was momentarily stunned by the unexpected response, however, her gaze soon softened as she looked at the small girl.

Embarrassed, Mary squirmed a little and averted her eyes.

She brought the tray to a nearby table and looked at Violet again. It seemed like she had something more to say.

“I-It’s more delicious if you eat and drink these before they get cold!”

“…Thank you.”



A brief moment of silence then blanketed the room. Mary determinedly remained inside Violet’s room, still very much gauging her mood.

It’s true that Violet thanked the girl for the refreshments, but she didn’t really have any intention of eating or drinking any of these. Still, she eventually spoke up.

“…Aren’t you afraid of me?”

“Huh? Why?”

“Why, you ask… You saw what happened earlier.”

“But… Lady Aileen slighted you first, Milady.”


At the girl’s fast reply, Violet was rendered speechless.

Mary cut up the tart into bite-sized pieces and offered the plate to Violet.

Still dazed and unable to comprehend the situation, Violet unknowingly went on to eat the tart.

“…Why do you think that Aileen was the first to do something wrong?”

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