Chapter 4

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      They say the cure to a hangover is plenty of water and rest. Though how I feel in this moment, I highly doubt it's true. Lizzie brought me a very simple and light breakfast, then helped me take a long soak before getting dressed. Today is a gentle sky blue dress, with lace around the neckline. I know red doesn't necessarily look good with blue, but I have found I am quite content with this dress, and it makes me smile. After dressing, I decided to go to our library. I always found solace in a library back in my old life. Here it is no different.

      As I enter the library, I can already feel the presence of someone else there. I know exactly who it is, but I ignore them entirely. I find a book among the history section and take a seat over in a corner table. It's not long before the presence makes himself known and sits down next to me. Lawrence sits down, his eyes so full of resentment and almost contempt. I have done nothing to him as long as I have been in Lorelei's body, but I can't speak for what she used to do if she did anything.

      "Why must you humiliate the family by gallivanting around like some common street whore? Just marry who father decides and end this idiotic gamble. Finding love in a year? I sincerely doubt it will happen. Just marry father's choice and make a good impression for the family name." I can't help but clench my jaw and bite the inside of my cheek. All I want to do right now is to punch his nose in and mess up his pretty face. But I know that the Duke will surely reprimand me for it and will most likely call off our deal.

      "Thank you, brother, for your advice. However, I plan to continue with what I have agreed to with father. I ask nicely that you don't interfere." I grab the book in my hands, and stand up to walk away from this situation. I'm assuming he wasn't counting on me lashing back from his crude comment. He doesn't follow me, and I am so grateful. I want to scream in frustration, but I do not want to cause a scene or draw attention to myself.

      My day goes by rather dully. Etiquette classes, history lessons, as well as attending a women's tea party. I didn't talk to anyone there and no one talked to me. It felt as if I was a fly on the wall. Once home again, the butler stands by the front entrance with a letter in his hands.

        "My lady, a letter has arrived addressed to you," he says as he holds out his tray with the envelope atop of it.

      "Thank you," I say. I quickly take the letter and run off to my room. As I open the letter, Lizzie sits down beside me to read along side me. The letter is from Lord Declan.

      'Dear Lady Lorelei, I must admit I was at a loss for words during the ball. I wanted to compliment you yet again for the fine young woman you have grown to become. It would please me if you could join my family for an evening dinner. Your brothers and the Duke himself are welcome to attend as well. I'd really like to talk more. Your faithful friend, Lord Declan.'

      Both Lizzie and I squeal with excitement and pure joy. It hasn't even been 24 hours and I already have a suitor. What does Lawrence know? He is just an egotistical idiotic man.

      "Lady Lorelei, are you going to answer him back? Will you accept his invitation?" She asks eagerly as she helps me get dressed for dinner. Her cheeks are blush red and she is grinning ear to ear. She's more happy for me than I am for myself.

      "I intend to accept his invitation. I must first however run it past my father. This is something I would never wish to hide from him." I speak the truth. I want him to know my plan to receive suitors is working.

      "But, my Lady, will his Lordship really allow you to go? Won't he disagree?" She undoes my high bun on top of my head, letting it fall down past my shoulders.

      "He is a man of his word. If I should receive such an invitation, I believe he would follow along the rules of our arrangement." I fluff out my hair while Lizzie does up the laces on the back of my dress. "Now Lizzie, let's not talk any further. I must make sure I am prepared to converse with my father as well as my brothers." She helps me finish getting dressed.

      Dinner went as you can expect it to go. Sebastian was supportive of me, Lawrence was annoyed and angry for no good reason, and Kellen was indifferent to the whole thing. Father did seem pleased that our arrangement was working in my favor, but he still seemed like he was plotting something further. The rest of the evening was spent how I spend it every night. A long soak in the tub, then reading a book till I fall asleep.

      A week has passed since Lord Declan sent me the letter. Father made the arrangements and we are to go over tonight. I am so excited and nervous all at the same time. I want to make a good impression, but I don't want to seem too eager or needy. I do find Declan extremely handsome, and totally husband material. However, my plan is to learn about him, spend time with him, and see where that leads us.

      During this past week, I received several more dinner invitations from the men at the ball. Even men in their 60s were inviting me. I must say, that right there made my skin crawl. As we arrive at Declan's estate, I can't help but feel incredibly insecure, and be totally and utterly nervous as hell. His estate is just as big as ours, but this one seems more historic. Like something you would see in a modern painting.

      As we pull up to the entrance, footmen open the door and help me down from the carriage ride. At the top of the steps stands Declan. He looks even more handsome and alluring in all the natural light outside.

      "Welcome to my home. Please come in and join us." His voice is silky and smooth, but is also rough and husky. My heart feels as if it's going to fly right out of my chest. Declan offers me his arm and I gladly take it. Though I can feel my older brother's eyes on me a hundred percent. Before entering the dining room, he takes me on a quick tour of his home. The decor is absolutely stunning and if I was to price this house like I would during my time, I could sell this estate for over 3 million dollars.

      As we glide up and down hallways, I very painfully recognize my brother watching us. But it is more directed at Declan, not me. This makes me want to laugh, but I hold it in. Despite the chaperone with Declan, I am grateful for the time we spend together. After the initial walk around, we are seated and served a luxurious meal.

      I know that he is truly one of the men I plan to consider. But he sure is making it difficult to just not choose him right on the spot. His charming personality, his sweet smile, or his intoxicating eyes. He's making this harder than it should be.

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