Chapter 7- NATALIE

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Caring for Mary after such a long time took so much of my emotional strength. But this is not it. I have to be prepared for the worst. Afterall she is in Coma and I've been enough in the medical field to know where this can go in the maximum number of cases. I just can't sit around praying for miracles like what Mason is doing now. The poor guy is in the state in between mourning, shock and holding on to the last ray of hope. I have to find their son so that it gives Mason a reason to move on in his life along with keeping hope for Mary, but if Mary were to pass away...she wouldn't want Mason to be like what he is right now. And even though he isn't my family and taking care of them without their consent is something even I don't want but I would do that-for Mary.

I take a look at her peaceful sleeping figure. Her brunettes neatly combed as she laid on the bed, eyes closed. The tubes, pipes and wires connected from the machines to her body made her seem vulnerable. I took a look around her room. Her and Mason's wedding picture hung on the main wall taking most of the attention while there was a small board containing the ultrasound picture for all 8 months.

They were waiting so eagerly to start their happy new family. Mary has had some problems conceiving given the amount of time they were together married and without a child and how much they were counting days until his birth. Her room was a great getaway how much they have been waiting for their child, if not her medical reports.

"I will find your baby Mary, your child you've been desperately waiting for. I promise to protect him harder than I protected you. You just hold on and keep fighting for your baby and Mason" I told her caressing her hair and yet gaining no response.

I exit her room and make my way through the open corridor to the main gate. The Wild Mansion was huge. There was no doubt they were extremely rich. The marble floor reflected the never ending lights and the huge glass wall facing the garden welcomed the auburn sunset rays laminating the main room with its golden orange warmth.

There was something clearly in this house. It was as if the house was trying its best to fill in a missing space. From the outside everything looked pitch perfect. The sofas were of the latest best quality and design. The aesthetic was somewhere in between the rich gold and forest brown environment. The staircase to the upper floor was of curved path.

Mary's room was on the ground floor which didn't give me any room to explore the first floor or rest of the house or the mansion. I suspect her room too was on the first floor but seeing how she was reaching the end of her pregnancy they'd move her to the ground for her comfort.

If there was any comfort in my soul it was that she'd been no doubt-happy and comfortable for the past decade. Mason was a really loving and caring husband. If their social media pictures weren't much proof I've seen Mason right now. And both her parent-in-laws doted on her even after a decade to their wedding, a huge sign how healthy their relationship was, also given the fact they all live together as a joint family in this very mansion. Even the ruthless Nathan Wild is soft and protective of her. She'd lived a great life until now.

"Where are you going?" His voice suddenly stops me as I am leaving and I am so close to hurt him for stopping me.

" I didn't realize I had to report to you each and everything I do aside from my medical duties" I say to him. Seeing his face reminds me of his ill words from that morning, making me go all red...I wish I'd thrown really hot boiling water on him instead of bottled water. The water came out so little and too weak, didn't even give me the satisfaction of throwing it on him.

"Yes you do. This is my house and if you are going to go in and out of this place you need to report me on it. My house, I need to protect. What if you have ill intentions and bring some robbers disguised as your friend.

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