Chapter 17 - Quadruple The Fun*

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A/N: this chapter is STEAMYYYY. For your own precautions, I have starred the place where it starts, and left a comment there with a list of all the smut things included. Read at your own risk, practice safe, consensual sex, and please, please enjoy this chapter. ;)



It felt amazing to finally be eating again. Sure, I'd eaten the night before, but something was different now. I felt...safer. I felt like I could eat and enjoy my food without the fear of it getting taken from me, and without the anxiousness of not knowing when I'd have my next meal.

I was shoveling food into my mouth, bite after bite. Not because I was scared of it getting taken from me, simply because I was hungry. 

"Is it good, baby girl?" Atlas asked from behind me, words coated in mirth.

"It's great, Daddy," I answered, before shifting my gaze to sift between Henry and Leo. "Thank you for doing all of this."

"We don't mind it," Henry told me. A feeling of guilt singed part of my chest, though. Not only had they saved me and my men, but they pulled an all-nighter to plan for what was next, and were now up and cooking for all of us.

"But I feel bad that you're doing all of this," I admitted. "You shouldn't have to keep exhausting yourselves just for us." 

Atlas's hands were running back and forth around my waist, and he kissed my shoulder gently.

"We're not exhausting ourselves, Gwendolyn," said Henry. "We just know that if we were in your shoes, we'd want someone to do something like this for us." Leo finished placing the rest of the eggs on a platter, and he set the used pan over by the sink to be washed before walking back to the island, stopping next to Henry.

"All four of you experienced some pretty horrible things," Leo affirmed. "You should be resting your minds and your bodies so that you can recover as quickly as possibly." His chocolate brown eyes looked deep into mine. "Especially you, Gwendolyn. That stab wound you suffered is not something to push aside. In fact, if you were my patient in a hospital, you would still be on bedrest."

"You almost died, Gwendolyn," Henry stressed. "It's not normal for someone to be functioning as they typically would just a few days after a pretty invasive surgery."

"Take it easy for the next few weeks, Gwendolyn," Leo advised. "I don't want anything else to happen to your wound." Everyone around me nodded in agreement. "I don't mean that you need to be helpless," he explained. "Just that you should stay off of your feet as much as you can."

Roman -- who had previously sat down next to me with his own plate of food -- and I continued eating in silence for a few moments.

Henry looked down at his watch before telling us, "Leo and I are going to hit the grocery store. Is there anything you guys need?"

My men and I all glanced around at each other before shaking our heads in response.

"All right, then." Henry looked at Leo, and they both nodded, immediately gathering their various personal belongings.

"When will you guys get back?" I asked them. I was glad to be getting some true alone time with my men. It had been too long since I was able to purely enjoy their presence without the worry of something happening.

"It's about eleven-thirty now, so probably around one o'clock," Henry estimated, shrugging. "You're all good here on your own? You can handle clean-up?"

The four of us nodded, and Henry turned to follow Leo out of the mudroom door, shoving his phone and wallet into the back pockets of his jeans.

We watched as Henry and Leo pulled out of the driveway, and it didn't take long for a greatly-missed tension to thicken the air. 

My Devoted DemonsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora