Shaira's Heart

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Shaira was in pain. Her hollowness which she was hiding for years surfaced as soon as she heard him. Shaira was not someone to give up.

Sebestian was everything she had. He is her life. When she saw him crumbling down because of her. She knew she had to back out.

She had to leave him to stop him ruining himself.

Shaira's vision blurred as she opened her eyes to the white walls. Her eyes crinkled as she saw her secretary puffy eyes.

"I am calling the doctor, Mam."

Shaira had a small smile on her face. She never thought Chris would be so worried about her.

When the doctor arrived. Shaira was feeling better.

"Mam, You are almost alright. It was severe panic attack. Your friend had just saved you. After some time, the senior doctor will come for follow up."

Shaira nodded as she looked Christina.

"I am really sorry for troubling you, Chris."

Shaira said as she leaned on the bed.

"Actually mam there is a thing I wanted to tell you. When I get there in the bathroom, a woman was also there. She saved you. She called an ambulance before I got there."

"Who was it?"

Shaira's widened. She doesn't want any of her past knowing her condition.

"Can I call her in?"

Christina said as she put her hand on Shaira's. Shaira nodded.

"Miss Sabrina. Please come in."

Shaira eyes snapped towards the door as she show Sabrina coming in. Her eyes teary.

Shaira eyes crinkled as she reached her hand to her. She was in desperate need. Desperate need to feel something.

Sabrina took her hand in a glance. Her eyes shining but not a single tear fall.

"How are feeling now?"

Sabrina asked as she sat next to her.

"As good as new."

Shaira said a she winked. Her bare face showing all of the dark shades under eyes. Sabrina rolled her eyes. She always knew her friend of years is not good at lying. She had significantly improved these past years but still not good enough to deceive her closest ones.

Christina looked both of them. She was shocked when she tried to call her boss again and again after that phone call and the painter herself picked it up. She could feel the tension in the room just by looking at it. It's like they were both eager to say many things but they don't know how to start.

She sighed as she silently leave the suite.

"Thanks for helping me."

Shaira said after a beat of silence. A small smile graced her face.

"That doesn't mean I forgive you."

Sabrina said as her eyes turned sharper. Shaira sighed. She had expected it. She had a lot of questions to ask her but none of that came out of her after her declaration.

How could someone be so selfish to come back after she had ruthlessly left everyone?

"I know you want to say something. Just say it."

Shaira blurry eyes snapped towards her friend. Her friend she had left years ago because of her fear. Her fear of ruining everything for everyone.

"How much did you see, Rina?"

Out of the Darkness (Broken Heirs #2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora