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"May I offer you some tea? It's ginseng!" The old man offered pouring a new cup of tea.

"Sure." You answered. The old laughed pouring another cup. Sliding it towards you.

You took the cup into hand and began to drink.

"So your name is Y/N, correct?" The old man questioned placing the Pai Sho Tiles across the board.

"Yes, Dad told me I got my name from my mother." You replied, helping the elder set up the board.

"Ah yes, Mistress Yanao of the Southern Water Tribe." Iroh continued, finishing the set up of the board.

"Y-you knew my mother?" You questioned, making the elderly man laugh.

"Of course I did! Everyone knows the Moon Mistress of the South. The only waterbender known to have bested your father." He explained, beginning his moves.

"R-really? I don't know that story." You replied, moving your piece.

Iroh nodded, moving another piece.

"Yes, she was a talented waterbender. The only one known to have escaped the mass eradication of waterbenders in the southern water tribe." He continued, moving another piece.

As soon as he moved, you noticed something. The initial beginning of Iroh's moves reminded you of something. Something tucked into the back of your memory.

You quickly moved another piece. Iroh noticed this new change in strategy. A smile crossed his face as he continued through his movements.

"Yes, your mother and father gained their names through the mastery of waterbending they gained. Their idea being that knowledge should not be kept secret and should be instead shared." He stated, continuing through the movements.

"And you knew them well enough. You can compliment their feats not just as warriors but also."

The pair of you finished. On top of the pai sho board. The design atop the board was a lotus design. The center was missing a very important piece at the center. The board was missing this piece.

You lifted the necklace from your neck. Placing the white shell piece at the center of this lotus design. The white lotus design sat at the center.

"As philoshophers.."

Iroh smiled, crossing his arms and setting himself back.

"I'm glad your father taught you this strategy. It is one of my favorites." Iroh stated, smiling towards you.

"Y-yes, he told me those who know this move are well versed in the ways of unity and communication. In which neither players can win or lose." You stated.

"Yes, those who know this move will always help one another. Which is why you are here." Iroh explained, laughing quietly.

"Your father is a part of a group named the White Lotus. We are a group who are not bound by borders or confined beliefs. The idea of unity and communication creates this bond between us." Iroh explained, picking up the necklace at the center of the table.

"Your mother too was part of this group." He grabbed onto the red tassels of the necklace.

"I gave your father this material. Your mother adored this necklace because of what it represented." He stated, handing it back to you.

"I can not allow you to serve under the Fire Nation. As helpful and beneficial as your ability of healing is, it can not be exploited in the pursuit of war." Iroh explained, looking away.

"However, right now, I also can't let you escape in these current weather conditions. So please give me time to get you off of this ship." He continued.

"I see, that's why you spared me." Iroh nodded.

"That was the only way that could save you and your village. However, as much as my nephew is despiseable, I implore you to bear with it." He stated.

"It's hard to believe that guy is your nephew. You're kind and pleasant, and he's."

"Arrogant and malicious?" Iroh questioned with a chuckle. You nodded in reply.

"Zuko has had a hard life. It was a terrible, hard life. He continues to battle his demons to grow beyond it. Right now, though, it seems that they are winning." He stated, letting out a gentle chuckle.

You laughed, placing a hand over your mouth to hide your laugh. Iroh smiled before rising from his seat.

"Now then, I will allow you time outside the ship. I understand that you of the Water Tribe feel disconnected from water the same as I without tea." You laughed at the man's remark nodding.

"It's dry in here. I hate it." You answered, making the man nod.

"Very well then, underlying orders the men will allow you time outside. Just don't run off. Alright?" Iroh questioned, getting a nod from you.

"Thank you master Iroh." You replied, bowing your head towards him.

The man smiled before nodding.

The man smiled before nodding

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