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The growl that rumbled his belly echoed in the empty chamber. His stomach burned with hunger that Nine knew wouldn't be sated for a while. The dryness of his throat would make it difficult for him to swallow anyway. His tongue felt like cotton in his mouth.

Nine didn't know how long he'd been here but he was so hungry and for him to be this hungry it should've been a long time. Subjects weren't served large portions, just enough to keep them alive so he had never had much of an appetite to begin with but they had never left him hungry for this long.

He sighed, curling up tighter on his side, the hard floor digging uncomfortably into his shoulder blade. Nine missed the thin mattress in his old room. This room was much smaller and darker with no windows to peak inside through which made him feel safer. If only they had brought his mattress with him.

This was unusual. The people in white coats hadn't bothered him since locking him in this room. The long period of tranquility was unfamiliar which prompted an unpleasant tingle to rise the back of his neck. His form was stuck rigid and taut as he anticipated a surprise attack at any time.

His puffy ears twitched at the sound of footsteps approaching. Nine didn't waste any time as he sprung up to a defensive stance. The lock rattled for a moment then clicked open, the heavy metal door was slowly pushed back as he followed its every movement.

Two men entered the cramped room with their guns stretched in front of them and pointing at him, and then two others in white coats followed. Nine growled low in warning as he remained in place, at the far corner of the room.

"Now, now, Nine." One of the scientists said as he approached the wolf. He had one of his arms up in surrender and the other was holding a bowl. "Look, we brought you food."

Nine snarled, making him stop in his tracks.

"I fucking hate this mutt." The other guy spat. The alert wolf switched his piercing gaze to see the man had crossed his arms across his chest and was watching him with a pinched expression.

Nine was well acquainted with the tall man who was looking at him with disgust. He was one of the few of them who liked to hurt him out of spite. He growled as the welt marks on his back pulsed at the sight of him.

"Just stand back. We're only leaving him food."

"I thought he was now classified as feral." The man questioned with genuine concern. He looked bored standing near the door.

"We still have to keep him alive until the board decides what to do with him." The one with his food said slowly, trying not to startle the wolf.

"I don't understand why we're still dealing with him. He's a fucking psycho."

"Because he still has ongoing trials. We've gotten so far to give up and start from scratch. It's a waste of time and money."

"He's insane."

"It's not his fault." The man gritted, seeming to get increasingly agitated by the other one.

Despite not being able to understand their exchange, Nine inwardly nodded in agreement with him. His baleful resolve unwinded slightly at the mention of their common enemy.

The good one turned to him once again, weary and slow as he gauged Nine's demeanor, "You're going to be a good boy now, okay?"

Nine's hackles lowered at the words. Good boy. Nine wanted to be a good boy.

The scientists who worked with human test subjects liked to use words like good and bad as a way of conditioning the shifters. When they were good, they were rewarded. When they were bad, they were punished. The system made their jobs easier.

Nine had never been a good boy before.

The wolf took a small step back and lowered his large head, inviting the scientist to leave him his food. The man smiled in approval, an expression that was never usually directed at him.


A loud scoff interrupted him as the other man approached them, "Good? Not attacking us isn't being good. Plus, Nine is always bad, right Nine?" He taunted him.

Despite not having understood much of what the man had said, Nine could understand that the man had called him bad while interrupting the rare occasion he was being called a good boy. He snapped.

"Stop it! You're going to-"

The large wolf suddenly lunged at the man, aiming for his neck. Nine wanted to tear him apart but before he could reach him, one of the guards had stepped in between them and managed to momentarily shove him away mid-leap. The wolf hit the ground with a small whimper though he was relentless, he stood up once again, and before anyone could grasp what was going on he had the arm that had pushed him clutched between his sharp teeth.

The guard froze in fear, Nine hadn't clamped his jaw hard enough to tear it off but had sunk his teeth enough to leave scars. The man cried out in pain as he used his other hand to push Nine's snout away only for the wolf to shake his head to wave off the unwelcome contact. The move unintentionally pushed his teeth further into the flesh, deepening and stretching the wounds on the man's arm.

"Shoot him!" He desperately wept.

The other guard cocked his gun and aimed, ready to strike the wolf.

"No, don't!" The scientist exclaimed as he rushed over. He held tightly onto Nine's fur, harshly pulling him back but the wolf didn't budge. This time he tried gripping the wolf's jaw and snout to unlatch him from the man's forearm, "Let go Nine. Be a good boy."

The wolf growled. He was trying to be good but they were always bad to him. It made his chest clench painfully. After a long moment, Nine reluctantly let go of the arm with a whine. He wanted them to leave him alone.

He felt an abrupt burning sensation on his left shoulder blade. The wolf didn't have time to dwell on the small intrusion on his body as his eyelids drooped, his large form hitting the ground with a thump. Nine's sensitive ears were blocked as he heard muffled voices speaking above him.

It didn't take long for the sedative to take effect as he swiftly lost consciousness.



So this is the prologue I hope you like it! This is a spinoff of Their Marred Boy. If you haven't read it, you should check it out. You can read this as a stand alone, however everything would make more sense if you read Their Marred Boy first. It's not necessary though.

The chapters are going to be longer from here on out, I just felt like this was the perfect length for this.

Also, I still can't decide whether to write from a 3rd or 1st person POV. Please let me know which one you prefer.

Please make sure to vote, comment, and follow!

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