54 - a scuba diver

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"SO who was that woman?" Adrien asked casually.

     Muse leaned over the side of the boat. Adrien had signed them up for scuba diving after lunch. She had never been scuba diving in her life. She had no idea how it worked, and was doing her best to remain calm and collective.

     The question threw her off-guard, though.

     "What woman?" she asked, knowing perfectly well who Adrien meant. 

     "The one in the lobby."

     "How do you know about that?"

     "Don't worry about it."

     "Did you put a camera in my eyeballs or something while I was sleeping?"

     "No. But now that you mention it . . ."

     Muse glared at Adrien. The wind rippled her black hair. She was leaning over the side of the boat, too, sunlight dappling her tan skin. Her jaw flexed as she grinned, still facing the ocean, and added, "Catalina was in the lobby. She told me she saw you with some woman."

     "It was a two-second interaction!" Muse said. Her blood had turned warm, but she wasn't mad. She hoped she wasn't blushing. 

     "What was her name?"

     "I don't know. Um, Ryan."

     Adrien glanced at her. Her black eyes gleamed. The smirk still danced on her lips. "Was she cute?"

     "Was she cute?" 

      "Yeah. Was she?" 

      "Adrien, I'm going to murder you."

      "You're not answering my question. You thought she was cute. Do you like her?"

      "Adrien, you better be kidding right now," Muse spluttered. "Did you forget that it was a two-second interaction?"

      "She called you princess. Did you like it?"

      Muse had no idea how Catalina had picked up on that from where she'd been sitting at the bar. She had to have some kind of super hearing. "No, Adrien. I told her not to call me princess, and that I had a wife."

      "But, you know, when this is over and we get divorced . . ."

      She knew her cheeks were flushed, and her breathing had become uneven. She hoped to God Adrien hadn't noticed those minor details. The idea of divorce had made her heart rate speed up. For no reason. She had told Adrien they needed to get divorced.

      They did need to get divorced. She couldn't be doubting herself now. She knew they could never work, and that they should stay friends. But . . .

     "Why do you care then, honey pie?" Muse asked through clenched teeth.

     "I was just curious. Since we're friends, baby cakes. You know, friends."


      "Yeah. Friends tell each other things. Like if they ran into a woman in the lobby and were given the nickname princess."

      "I didn't tell you about that because . . . I don't know, it was two hours ago and it wasn't important? I barely registered her."

      In fact, Muse had been itching to tell Adrien what she'd found when she followed Grey. She hadn't yet, though. She was waiting for a moment of real privacy. Not on a boat surrounded by other resort guests, where there was even the slightest chance they could be overheard. She knew nobody was paying attention to them right now, that if she wanted to, she could tell Adrien. But this conversation had riled her up in a way she didn't want to think about. 

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