Chapter 12

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【yes no】


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"On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your depression." Y/n asked herself in the mirror, finger gunning the reflecting with a pained expression. "Ten out of ten!" She then spoke, breathing out a sigh before running her hand along her face, internally cursing herself for the down putting mood. A ring came from her phone however, startling the heiress out of her solemn thoughts. "Oh shi-" Y/n scrambled to pick up her phone, avoiding the freshly wet sink of her bathroom. Answering the phone Y/n hoped it wasn't anyone she found hard to talk to. "Hey N/n!" Lucifers voice called out, earning an internal sigh of relief and 'being done with life'. "Hey dad, what do you need?" Y/n asked, walking out of the bathroom and over to her drawers, pulling out her clothes for the day, consisting of a black button up with a red 1920's resembled vest, pulling out her usually worn dress pants the colour scheme, now that Y/n observed kind of reminded her of Alastor, a soft smile making its way onto her face at the thought of it. "Nothing, I just wanted to call my daughter!" The Morningstar exclaimed, earning a dry laugh from his daughter. "Okay dad, now what do you actually want?" Y/n asked, turning her phone onto speaker mode as she changed at a fast pace. A sigh was heard. "I wanted to invite you and Charlie to a family dinner today, I know we saw each other a few days ago but-" "that's fine dad, but on the condition, Charlie can bring Vaggie, and I can bring Alastor." Silence was heard on the other end. Then, a sigh. "Fine, I might as well get used to him..." Lucifer mumbled, earning a hum of appreciation from his daughter. "Thanks dad, see you soon then." "It's at five tonight-" Lucifer quickly spoke before the Morningstar hung up.


"Morning Charlie!" Y/n smiled brightly, shocking the younger Morningstar. "Oh, hey N/n, you're pretty happy..." Charlie remarked, setting down her pen, the messy notes on the next session still in progress. "Well, dad has invited us for lunch slash dinner, and I said we'd come. Oh! He also agreed on letting Vaggie and Alastor come too!" Y/n explained cheerfully, taking a long sip from her cup of tea, the milky looking drink swirling slightly. "Thats lovely! Can't wait, oh! Also, love the outfit!" Charlie added as she dashed away to find Vaggie and then stress out with what to wear. "Heya toots, you feeling good? You look too happy to be sober." Angel dust remarked, walking in the door with a groan, his eyes half lidded from sleepiness. "Nah, just... Glad that my dad's coming around with Al' and the whole issue that's been between us a little while." The heiress shrugged, sitting down as Angel looked Y/n up and down. "What?" Y/n asked, setting down her mug as Angel snatched it away and took a sip from it. "Oh, nothin' just thought it was kinda cute you an' smiles were doing matchies today." Angel remarked, setting the mug down as Y/n awkwardly smiled. "Was it that obvious?" The h/c asked, earning a simple nod from the adult star. "Eh, I like it. Red suits ya." Angel quipped after a moment of silence. "Thanks Angie." Y/n smiled softly, Angel dust returning the smile. "No problem, now why don't you actually go tell smiles about tonight? I'm sure he'll want to prepare." Angel suggested, getting up to nudge the heiress on her way. "Hmm, sure Angel." Y/n replied, walking away to go find Alastor. "Hey Al'!" Y/n called out, not a moment later had Alastor appeared. "Hmm, yes mon chéri?" Alastor asked, twirling his radio staff, subtle cracks on it although barely noticeable anymore, thanks to Y/n of course. She had stayed up late reading books on how to fix it, in the end, (because of the inexperience with the type of magic) she had fixed it pretty well, much so that Alastor gave her a sweet pastry in return for a thanks, a subtle but appreciated gesture. "Well, I wanted to notify you that we'll be going to my father's place for dinner..." Y/n trailed off as Alastor's gaze started to feel like burning holes from an exceptionally strong laser. "I'm afraid I can't go Y/n, I've got special things to attend to." Alastor shrugged, going to turn away as Y/n hastily grabbed onto his arm, recoiling as she remembered he wasn't much for invaded personal space... Hypocrite- 

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