Chapter 32- Wedding Bells

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I'm so sorry guys for the late upload!!! To make it up to you guys, I included J-T moments and a little fight between two guys. Thanks for all the votes and OMG! WHAT'S HOT #39! Thank you so much!!! Please continue to vote and comment! 

*By the way for those who asked me to read their works, don't worry I already place them on my iPod? I just don't have the time now to comment and vote, but I promise to once I have the time. Please don't think that I'm ignoring your requests. Same goes for all of your comments. I would try my best to reply to each one.



Chapter 32-Wedding Bells

*Josh's POV*

I waited on the end of the stage for Trisha to come nearer and nearer. She was so darn pretty! The beautiful gown hugged her figure perfectly and not in a slutty kind of way. She was pretty even though she was wearing the simplest things. Her makeup wasn't too dark nor was it too light, it was just right. The sun's rays gave her skin a beautiful glow and the way she looked at me made my knees tremble. The way she smiled at me made my heart flipped for joy.

This wasn't even our wedding and yet I could feel like I was the one getting married. How can you not want to marry someone as beautiful as her? She's a goddess for crying out loud. Looking at her walk down the aisle made me want to grab her and marry her right now.

I wouldn't deny that she was the best thing that has happen to me. If it wasn't for her, I might still be fooling around with some girls who wouldn't care about me.

The more she moved closer to me, the more I had the urge to grab her and kiss her. I know I couldn't because I promised her I won't but I just want her to be mine. I wanted her to be my girlfriend. I wanted her to love me too. I really wonder if she had received my message. What if she did but she doesn't feel the same way?

What would hurt more? Loving someone who doesn't love you back? Or loving someone but she only sees you as her friend? Could I endure seeing her with another man? Could I sacrifice my feelings for her just to see her happy? Would it be worth it if I would gave up my own happiness as long as she was happy?

I don't know how hard was it for me to see her almost everyday and not being able to express to her how much I love her, how much I wanted her. It was really hard not to tell her how I feel. There are times wherein I just wanted to shout my feelings out so that I wouldn't feel my chest being twisted. It was really painful that I love her yet she only sees me as her friend. I wonder if this what she was feeling because Nathan didn't like her back.

I brushed the thought away when I saw Trisha smiled at me and went to her seat. Her smile just gave me some kind of comfort. Maybe I was just thinking too much.

The wedding started and I could hear my dad and Aunt Stella exchanging their vows. Hearing them share the vows to each other makes me wanna share it with Trish someday. I would want to take Trisha to have and to hold, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part. Wouldn't that be great?

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