The maid job

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Fatima's POV
I finally got what I wanted,but I had wait three months to see if I had gotten pregnant with jalil, inorder to prove his partenity of the child after a divorce.

I wore a long dress with my hijab and went for the interview.Immediately I reached there,my jaw dropped,there was alot of women dressed half naked.

They wore alot of makeup and heels.As I passed ,they all gave me dirty looks and most burst out laughing at my outfit.

One by one they went in,it was finally my turn.I came in and said what I had to say,but the woman didn't care about all that,all she did was stare at my face and body.

Woman:you are very beautiful.
Fatima: thank you.
Woman:we will call you back shortly.
(I came out and went to sit with the other women.)

Soon it was over,it was time for them to announce the selected parties.They started mentioning names, going in I realised that most of the women who were dressed very provocative were the ones being selected whilst the simply dressesd wasn't dressed.

I knew I wouldn't get in,so I took my bag.
Woman:last but not least, Fatima abubakar(the whole room bursted with shocked gasps and murmurs.)

I can't believe that I got in,I went home feeling happy.My face froze upon seeing my parents with jalil ,his parents and Amina.

Before I could even speak, I got a quick slap from mom.
Asmau: what am I hearing of you getting a divorce?
Razak:so you want to embarrass us?

Fatima: this isn't about you, this is about me.
Asmau:as selfish as always.
Fatima:am not being selfish mother,I am not happy with this marraige.
Asmau:so what if he got a second wife,does that mean you should divorce him?

Fatima:he raped me mom.(my parents stood silent)
Razak:am sure if you hadn't refused him,he wouldn't have done that.
Fatima:so are you saying it's my fault father?

Razak:yes, you failed as a wife, and now you have failed as a daughter.You couldn't even give us grandkids,you don't deserve to be called a woman.

(My father's words cut deep)
Asmau: that's enough razak, come on(mom looked at me with sympathy but it quickly changed to dissapointment)

Asmau:you have time, make the right decision (she left.)
Rakia:you are a dissapointment everywhere (I ignored her and walked off)

I laid in bed and cried.My parents were conservative,but they still showed me love.But now they have abandoned on my own.

Jalil came in.
Jalil: Fatima I.
Fatima:you called them here, get out (I pushed him out.I cried all night)

The next day I came to the place.My jaw dropped,it was a mansion.We were given our uniforms to change,per usual it was very short and revealing.

I came prepared with a long sleeved black top and blank tights.I went to change and wore a black hijab.

We met in the garden,gosh I loved gardens.All eyes was on me, the lead woman Betty,who brought us seemed amused.

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