Chapter 19

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Sanji's POV
(Ps Sanji's hands are no longer restrained only his legs)

I heard footsteps getting closer. He was coming back. I immediately hid under the blankets, afraid to see him again. I choked on sobs

I heard the door to the room open. I was practically trembling at this point

'No please leave'

The footsteps got closer. I could feel his presence was near, probably at the edge of the bed. I shut my eyes tight when the blankets was yanked away. I felt tears prick my eyes and then


My breath hitched. That voice is it. I slowly opened my eyes to be met with a steel grey eye

Tears started pouring from my eyes. My body still trembling. I reached out a hand and put it on his chest to feel his heartbeat and it was still beating

'He is real. He is alive'


Tears came down like a waterfall. He wrapped his arms around me. I breathed in his sent and began calming down. Reducing the breakdown to light sobs

"Did he touch you?"

I nodded. My face still buried in his chest. I knew he could feel the movement so he would know. I felt him tense a little

"Did he go far?"

I shook my head. I felt him relax at the answer

He then pulled away. I became uncomfortable. I need him right now. I don't want him to see me like this but that nightmare. I felt myself shaking. I heard the breaking of chains. I turned towards the sound and saw that Zoro had broken the restraints on his legs

I then felt something put on me. It was warm and comfortable. I then notice the green material, it was Zoro's coat. I looked up at him

"You're clothes are all messed up"

That's what he said but I could tell what he really meant was I seemed more comfortable with his scent

I hate how weak I am. I can't believe over all the people Zoro sees me like this. I fucking hate this

"You know I'm impressed you made it this long with those perverts. I'm glad I'm not dating a pushover" He said giving me one of his special smiles he has only reserved for me

I felt tears welling up in my eyes

'How does he know exactly what to say?'


He chuckled lightly at this and I couldn't help but smile

"Do you have energy to walk?"

I tried getting up but once my feet were on the ground, they felt weak and I collapsed back on the bed

"I don't think so"

He then turned and bent down. Wait does he

"Get on"

"W-what?! I'm not going to be piggybacked by you"

"Either you get on or I'll carry you bridal style"

"You wouldn't"

"Wanna bet?"

I looked at his unwavering gaze until I gave in. He would definitely carry me like a princess if he had to. I sighed then reluctantly got on his back. He got up and I wrapped my arms around his neck to steady myself

"You good?"

"Been better"

He nodded then started walking

He was warm. I couldn't help but snuggle closer to him. I felt safe. It was peaceful until



After a few, no, a lot of wrong turns we finally made it to the staircase leading down. We made it to the fourth floor when I noticed the crew, with them one guy and a kid were tied up. The kid I remembered to be Ken

Seeing the crew I could already feel the grin growing home. Then suddenly all that joy was gone as fast as meat in Luffy's presence

I felt a chill ran down my spine. The familiar tingling sensation I knew well it was

'No please not him'

I was practically holding onto Zoro for dear life. My whole body was trembling. Zoro turned his head, I couldn't tell the expression he was making 'cause my eyes were shut but I could tell he was looking at me with a worry. I was going to tell him it's fine when the feeling hit harder. I felt tears pricking my eyes

"Oi cook what's wrong?"

I could barely get out a sentence and clung to him tighter


"Who? What's wrong?"

"You're not thinking of leaving, are you my love"

I didn't even need to raise my head to know who that horrible voice belong to . It made me shudder

Third person POV

Zoro could feel how terrified Sanji was by how much he was shaking and clinging for dear life

This was pissing Zoro off. Seeing Sanji like this. Who ever did this to my cook is going to pay dearly

"You're not thinking of leaving, are you my love"


Speak of the devil

By the way Sanji reacted Zoro's thought was proven true. This was the bastard who did this to Sanji

The rest of the crew must have caught on to 'cause they were all sending daggers at the guy. All with the same mindset as Zoro

If looks could kill Fuji would be a corpse by now, probably ashes

Fuji had a wicked grin on his face, looking at the straw hats but most importantly Sanji

Zoro caught on to this and shifted so Sanji was out of his view, or at least harder to see

This caused a laugh to erupt from Fuji then suddenly the atmosphere got serious

"I would appreciate if you hand me my bride"

Sanji flinched at this. Zoro tightens his grip

"Like hell I will"

Words: 949

Me: this is one of my shortest chapters, sorry. Me and Akaashi will work harder
Akaashi: You and who now? It's freaking 6 in the morning and you woke me up for this. I never even agreed to this
Me: well you heard it we will work heard
Akaashi: THERE'S NO WE
Me: bye

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