📝✨7.2 Cherished Clips

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Pre-Picture Game Extras

A collection of moments that unfold before the pivotal picture game, adding depth to the characters and setting the stage for the impending excitement. Dive into these delightful snippets as the story weaves its intricate threads. 📸💫📖

1. Belle’s Photogenic Disaster: During the group photoshoot, Belle attempted a dramatic pose but ended up tripping over her own feet. The result? A candid shot capturing her mid-fall, which became the highlight of the day.

2. Jax's Photobomb Talent: Jax discovered his knack for photobombing during the selfies session. Sneaking into each picture, he showcased a variety of funny faces and poses, leaving the rest of the group in stitches.

3. Ethan's Unconventional Poses: Not to be outdone, Ethan decided to break the conventional selfie norms. His poses ranged from attempting a handstand to posing with a spoon on his nose, leaving everyone amused.

4. Milo's Photo Pranks: Milo, being the mischief-maker, managed to sneak in a couple of edited photos into the collection. Pictures of the group with exaggerated features circulated, causing laughter and confusion.

5. Lily's Selfie Critique: Lily, the more reserved member, took the opportunity to give a crash course on the art of taking the perfect selfie. The session involved angles, lighting, and a lot of giggles from the group.

6. Ace's Stealthy Candid Shots: Ace surprised everyone with his stealthy candid shots. He captured genuine moments when the others were unaware, showcasing a different side of each member that they hadn’t seen before.

7. Mr. Anderson's Selfie Dilemma: Mr. Anderson, initially hesitant, got caught up in the moment. The struggle to master the art of the selfie became a running joke, with the group offering tips and tricks to their new advisor.

Gifts and Contrasts: Mr. Anderson's Welcome Party

After the intense picture game, the Cursed Games Club decided to surprise Mr. Anderson with a welcome party, celebrating his role as their advisor. Each member presented him with a thoughtful gift, capturing the moment with numerous pictures.

1. Belle: A personalized leather-bound notebook for keeping records during their club activities. (Cost: $50)

2. Jax: A vintage pen, hoping to inspire Mr. Anderson's writing during club meetings. (Cost: $30)

3. Ethan: A high-quality thermos for Mr. Anderson's coffee addiction. (Cost: $40)

4. Milo: A relaxing scented candle to ease the stress of being their advisor. (Cost: $25)

5. Ace: A stylish tie for a touch of professionalism during official club events. (Cost: $35)

6. Lily: A charming potted plant to add life to Mr. Anderson's workspace. (Cost: $20)

The total cost of these gifts left Mr. Anderson both touched by their generosity and aware of the stark difference in financial standing.

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