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                 Fynland's POV

"So what exactly do you see in him?" My father asked

"I love him" I replied

"That wasn't the question" My mom  scoffed as she shook her head

"Aspen please let me handle this" my dad begged

My mom shook her head again and walked away

Somehow my dad managed to talk me into coming over to their house so here I was

" I don't want you to think I'm being hard on you because I was once in your spot" my dad spoke softly as he sat across from me

I already knew this and all that did was make me more pissed off

"I know dad" I sighed

I didn't understand why my mother was so against marrying outside of my tax bracket when my father did the exact same thing for her!

"Your mother is only trying to protect you from going through the same hardships we had to face" my father said as if he could read my mind

"Is she really? If she was then why would she even think about fully cutting me off when I marry Keith?"

"To teach you responsibility or what you kids call standing on business" he chuckled

I didn't find shit funny

"Listen sweetie, we just want what's best for you and we don't think it's him." He stated

"I'm pretty sure that's exactly what granny said about mom" I said as I folded my arms

"No, Their concerns were that she take my money and ditch me; Our concerns are for your mental not your material" he stated

"He's changed."

"For how long? We've seen this 7 times before" my dad said as he sat back on his seat

"That was years ago, we were kids!"

"We excused his behavior at 16 but 22 isn't a child" he said plainly

"Why cant you just trust my judgement?" I asked

"We did that twice and it landed you in a psych ward for 2 months" he said plainly


So we're hitting below the belt?

"Wow" was all I could say as I stood up and gathered my things

I didn't have to deal with this

"You should talk to Queenie, her insight would be highly beneficial" my dad said as I grabbed my phone

Queenie was his nickname for Cleo

"She's been down that road of picking the wrong man, she can tell you the signs and what to avoid. Hopefully you'll listen this time and realize that every red flag she'll mention Kieth has "

"Do you want me to be happy?" I asked plainly

"Of course! The only thing that DON'T want is to watch you beg for love from any man"

Who said I had to beg?

If anything I was begging for respect but not from Keith; from my own family!

One to blameTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon