Chapter 12 : 5 years later

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It has now been nearly 6 years since I have reincarnated. I have mastered force field and teleportation magic. Though I am still practicing them more to improve it as much as I can. I have not yet mastered Ice magic completely but I can definitely say that I am good at it.

Orion has been an excellent teacher, STRICT teacher, I must add.

But it is because of him that I have reached this level. He even taught me how to create daggers with my Ice magic and helped me learn it.

I can definitely defeat one of our knights by now if asked to duel, but it is all a secret.

Alexander has grown taller, stronger and more handsome since the past years, he awakened fire and poison magic last year during his awakening ceremony.

I have supported him all these years and our relationship is really good now. Hopefully he will stay by my side if something bad happens.

I turned 11 a week ago. But I did not have any party or big celebration, mostly because the Duke didn't allow it because I am still young. He did not even greet me, but I was not disappointed because it was not the first time.

I still enjoyed it with my Mother and Alex, I got a beautiful diary and pen from my mother and Alex gifted me a locket having the three of our photos painted in it together. I was really happy.

Surprisingly the Duke even gifted me a white floral dress having light shades of sky blue at its corners. He said it was for the awakening ceremony. Looks like he didn't want to get his reputation destroyed.

As for the awakening ceremony, I am kind of nervous. I had already awakened my magic, what if the Priest finds out about it?

Well thankfully Orion assured me that no such thing will happen and since my magic is already awakened the candles will just light with some colors without much prayer.

It is a relief, but I am still wondering about how the people will think about me, and how the storyline will go since I also have 'Ice' magic.

The ceremony is after 2 days. Will I meet the other characters and the Heroine there? But wait, the Prince had already awakened his magic last year, lightning magic and energy manipulation. It is a deadly combination for me. But he is still going to be there with the King and Queen because his younger brother, the second prince, Aldrin Lunaria is also going to awaken his magic there.

But I don't remember what magic he awakened. Also, I have still not met my 'fiance' by now, maybe I will meet him at the ceremony.

So basically all the characters will be there in the ceremony. Great. The plot of the story is going to start soon. As per the novel, Astria's mother, Rienne died from an illness a week after the ceremony. So, she is going to join our family in 9 days.

But I have already met Rienne and even asked our healer to treat her from the illness a month ago. The other servants even appreciated me for my 'kindness', only if they knew the real reason I was doing this. He told me that she is recovering. So hopefully she won't die?

If she survives, the plot of the story will change drastically. Even though Astria will still go to the academy, she won't have much support from the other characters, hopefully, because no one will pity her for her mother's recent death.

Maybe I can even befriend her and then try to stay away from the other characters and the plot line.

I can survive, yay!

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