Chapter 18

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The next three days have been hell for me and the packs. As we thought, Jeremy did threaten Black Thorn pack and my father's pack. He knew Veloces was weak and he was planning on using that as a way to end our packs. Well, mostly Black Thorn since my father is the Alpha of his pack and he isn't injured or weak.

I ran between sitting beside Veloces' bed and being a Luna for the Black Thorn pack. Clayton told me that the pack felt stronger, having a Luna now. They all wanted to protect their Alpha, they wanted to fight beside me. I would look over their training and help Clayton with flaws in their fighting. My father would also send his warriors over and they would train together, with their Beta and Clayton.

Veloces was still in a coma and it's torture, I wanted him to wake up so I could really apologize to him. I still felt guilty about rejecting and leaving him, I felt guilty for abandoning the pack. They all assured me that I didn't abandon them and that they love me, but the guilt was still bothering me. Christine was now performing her female Beta tasks like she's been doing it for years. Her father would watch her with pride as she would make sure the pack didn't get too out of control.

My mother and I worked together on the patrols and planning things out carefully. Jeremy gave us the rest of the week to train. Monday was coming up fast, we only had two more days left. I ran my hand through my hair, reading over the paperwork as I sat beside Veloces' bed. Every now and then I would look up to see if he was awake, but he was never awake.

Olivia would come in every now and then to ask about Veloces and to tell me about new plans with the packs. My father and both packs agreed Olivia could stay with them since she helped us free Veloces. She told my father everything about Jeremy, including his weaknesses. We were shocked when she told us if we attacked her mother that her father wouldn't care.


"He's too self-centered to care about her health. She could go walking off into the woods at night, alone, and he still wouldn't have a care in the world. He only cares about himself." she told us, anger seeping into her voice.

"So, then how do we attack him? We only have three days left." Clayton responded.

I pursed my lips, "Olivia, what are his weaknesses with patrols, fighting, and all?"

"He only sends two wolves out on patrol around the borders, but he has about four more running around in the forest. His attack plans are always the same though, he attacks at night."

Fortis frowned, "Problem is, he could change that."

We all looked at him in shock, his eyes showing that he was deep in thought. He sighed and looked up at us from the papers.

"He knows Olivia is working with us, therefor he knows she's telling us everything. He's going to change his attack plan, if he's smart. Which he is. Even if he wasn't, Crudelis would tell him. Now, Crudelis isn't stupid. How do you think he got our pack the reputation as most dangerous and cruelest?" he said, frowning.

I nodded, "True...we just need to be prepared. We don't know when or how he's going to attack, so, we need to train like there's no tomorrow. Werewolves who can't fight are going to stay in my father's packhouse, underground. There's a whole thing under there for anyone who cannot fight." I explained. "Anyone who does want to fight, then they will train with us. Is it a plan?"

They all nodded their agreement, determination in everyone's stare.

I sighed, placing the folders down. I stared at Veloces, gently grabbing his hand. "You know, this has been a horrible three days without you." I whispered. "I miss you."

I probably sound pathetic now, but hey, my mate is in a coma. Even though his body is there, he isn't. He isn't talking, he isn't teasing me, he isn't doing anything. Goddess, even if he was angry with me he would at least be awake and living. I forced down another sob, knowing crying wouldn't get me or him anywhere. I stroked his cheek, just wanting him to open those beautiful blue eyes and to smile at me or glare. Whichever he feels the need to do.

I got up after a while and grabbed the folders, I watched him for a few more moments. I then kissed his forehead and walked out of the room. I walked out of the packhouse and shifted, taking the folders in my mouth. I then took off, sprinting through the forest and back to Black Thorn. I kept on running until I reached the packhouse.

I shifted back and took the folders out of my mouth, ew, paper tastes disgusting. I had a loo of disgust on my face as I walked in, earning a chuckle from Christine.

"You ran with the folders in your mouth again, didn't you?" she teased.

I groaned, "Yes! They taste disgusting!"

She rolled her eyes at me, "You're crazy. How is he?"

"Still not awake." I replied quietly, frowning a little.

Christine gave me a look of pity, she wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tightly. "He'll wake up soon." she whispered.

"I hope so." I replied, my voice cracking a little.

"You know, it isn't bad to let your emotions go, right?"

"I know, but what's the point? Crying won't get me anywhere."

She laughed, "Always the stronger one out of the two of us. Crying does give you a sense of relief though. You're getting all that pressure off of you, plus, it causes depression if you keep your emotions bottled up. Or anger. Knowing you, it's anger."

"You know me too well." I laughed. "I'll take it out on Jeremy and his wolves when they attack. How about that?"

"Sounds good. Oh, the warriors are starting to become kickass now." she grinned. "My man is training them to perfection."

"He better be."

We both laughed before parting ways, I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a glass. I sipped on the water, thinking about the past few days. I wanted to hurt Jeremy and Crudelis, I didn't want them dead. Not yet. I knew of some torture that my father used only once. It's a cruel thing to do, but I'll only use it on one. That will be Crudelis, he needs to know what it feels like. I sound like I'm sadistic or something, which I am, slightly. I mean, I am a werewolf, we're known as violent creatures anyway.

I placed the glass in the sink and walked to Veloces' office, a new plan forming in my head. Clayton and them can do whatever they like to Jeremy, but Crudelis is mine. I'm going to make sure he knows how much Veloces felt when he was "training" him or whatever he was doing.

If he thinks he knows pain, well, he has another thing coming.

Author's note: Well, Crudelis is about to go through hell....

So, what do you think so far??? :D

My Cold Alpha (Wattys2015)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon