Chapter 3: Stay

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                 -After a 3 month timeskip-
   (This chapter may have some drama/lore- so here's a little heads up!)

                  (Funtime Freddy's Pov)

That One moment has been replaying in my head for months now, the feeling of his head on my chest..He looked so..cute, Ever since that day I've been finding myself noticing little things he does whenever we are alone together..we haven't been that close since then.
He seems to be nervous and soft spoken when the others are around, but whenever it's just us? I noticed he tends to hug me alot more lately..And I look forward to that.

Every time, despite the teasing from Bonbon I mean last time we hung out together I remember him telling me about his family and how he plans to eventually have his family stop by..perhaps I could ask ballora to help set it up..But before I can plan further I notice Baby staring at me..I zoned out and forgot we were having a conversation. "Oh! U-um..what were we talking about again?" I asked in the hopes she wouldn't be too upset, yet to my suprise she brushed it off and brought up the topic of conversation once more

"As I was saying..Graves has been working here for quite some time here, So i think it's only fair we think about having a little celebration for the occasion, I'm sure you'd like to spend more time with him, am I right?" She said as she leaned over the table, It suprised me a little before I looked up at her "W-what do you mean? G-graves and I are just..good friends already" I replied almost defensively at first.

"Oh? Well if that's the case I'm sure you won't mind if I invite him and his family over for a sleepover tonight? perhaps he can sleep with fo-" Before I can even think about what I'm doing the words just come out of my mouth. "H-He can sleep with me! I-in I mean!" I added before Quickly covering my mouth and sitting back down, my face feeling hot already.
Thinking for a second as I pull out my phone, already knowing who I'm going to call, having spoken with them everyday and night for the past month

🐻‍❄💙📲: -Sargent Cottontail, are you there?-

🐰💚📲: -Affirmative Captain! What's up?-

🐻‍❄💙📲: -Oh! I didn't expect you to go respond so fast! Hehe..But Baby was planning on inviting you and your family over for a sleepover and..I was wondering if you'd like to sleep in my room?- J-just to hang out of course! N-Nothing romantic or anything like that!-

I sat there for a few minutes, my tail wagging slowly in anticipation before finally receiving a response back.

🐰💚📲: -Pfft, alright captain it's a date lmao, sorry for talking a bit, I was cooking-

🐻‍❄💙📲: -A-a date? I um..-

🐰💚📲: -I-i mean a um..Friendship date..not that I um..wouldn't want to-

My eyes widening a little as I heard that, smiling softly before walking over to my room to continue the conversation

🐰💚📲: -S-shit..sorry captain! I um..i mean..w-well i do enjoy spending time with you and the others..But if things go well..I'd love to get to know you a bit better..-

After about 30 minutes I finally hear him speak up once again.


🐻‍❄💙📲: -Yes bug?-

🐰💚📲: -Could you..come over? I-i..could.. use some company right now..-

🐻‍❄💙📲: -Dont move! Give me 5 minutes and I'll be right there-

My ears lowered as I hung up the phone, quickly rushing to grab my hoodie, plushie and phone charger before running down to the elevator, waiting for the Door to open, walking inside and spamming the close door button the second I'm in"..he's been crying" I say to myself as stand inside the elevator, I lean back against the wall as I stare at my phone again.

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