Extra Cute When You Blush

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⚔️ ♔ $ ♫ A L E S S I O P O V ♫ $ ♔ ⚔️

"How's Luca mentally? Oh yeah, he's a totally normal, happy, smiley kid who totally doesn't have a traumatic past where every person he's met has tried to beat the shit out of him."

Andres being Andres would have rolled his eyes and would have been glaring at me.


"He's flinching at every single thing. Not that I blame him, but he's so scared. I left the room with him alone because he was having panic attacks whenever I get too close, and when I say close, I mean like—"

"Shoot, I gotta go. Some idiot did some idiotic thing. I'll call you when I call you. Bye."

That doesn't make any sense. I should probably go and check on Luca, though. I opened the door, and Luca was sitting on my bed, which I guess is more like his bed. He was looking at the floor as usual. Took every being of my body not to just punch that big-ass white wall.

"Luca, you know you don't have to look at the floor, and you can look at me." He reluctantly looked up, and it was kinda obvious that he was forcing himself to do that. Great, now he'll be more uncomfortable around you. Good job, Alessio.

"Besides, the floor's not really interesting. I think my face looks better than the floor. No offense to the floor." No clue where the fuck that came from; it's pure rambling. Luca looked less tense? I don't know.

"So..." Okay, what the fuck am I supposed to do?

Come on, brain. 

Think of something. 


TV? Nahh.

Wait a minute, he probably has questions, but he can't speak. Or can he? Do I ask him? Would that be... Rude? Wait, since when do I care if I'm rude? So, what should I ask him? Wait if I ask him how will he answer?  What's the point of asking when you are not gonna answer??

What's the point of living if you're gonna die anyway?

Oh, screw it. Being nervous doesn't suit my vibe.

"Uh, can you speak?" He seemed shocked by that. I mean, his eyes widened a bit, still bloodshot red. He looked like he was struggling with deciding, and he looked scared to respond. Oh shoot, I should reassure him.

"You don't have to answer." Okay, now what? I sighed and grabbed my guitar, which was on the couch, and started playing a random piece.

I stopped midway, and Luca looked a bit sad that I stopped. I may or may not have liked that.

Do you get nightmares often?" He tilted his head and frowned a bit.

"Nightmares are like dreams, only they aren't good dreams, like the one you had before." Whatever progress we made was forgotten, and he went back to being scared of me, staring at the floor.

"Don't worry, okay? You're not in trouble. It's completely fine to not know something or have a nightmare. There are many things that I don't know about, and even I get nightmares, alright?"

He seemed confused at this and stared at me like I had five heads. I chuckled a bit, and damn, he's cute. Of course, he's cute; he looks like me. Duh.

"Do you have any questions because I really don't mind answering them?"

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