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My last class of today. Finally. I sit down in the middle of the classroom and take my laptop out. This was English class so we had to work on our assignment about the book we are discussing. I put in my AirPods because otherwise I literally cannot work with those animals around me.

"The great Gatsby." I hear someone through my AirPods say next to me. I turn my head and lock eyes with him. Great. Liam.

"Yeah." I coldly say. I just humiliated the man, why is he taking to me? He didn't say anything else and just kept looking at me.

"Something wrong?" I ask him. "You want to go out for a drink with me?" He smirks. Is he for real right now? I scoff at his question, "Sorry, Louis, but..." "Liam." He cuts me off.

"Then I think my answer is clear, isn't it?" I look at him. "How so?" "I don't even know your name." I say knowing all to well his name is Liam.

He smirks, "You can call me whatever you want." "Okay then, then I'll call you.. Asshole." I smile sarcastically. He laughs at my reaction. "You think that's funny?" I raise my eyebrows.

He turns to me and looks from my lips up to my eyes. What is he doing? "Do we have a deal?" He asks not dropping it. "I though my answer was obvious, but apparently your IQ is even lower than I thought it would be." "So...?" He continues. "Do I have to spell it for you? It starts with N and ends with O."

We keep eye contact for a moment before he stands up, "Just give me a call when you change your mind." "I wouldn't count on it." I smile. He walks away. Finally.

English ended and I walk back to my dorm. Olivia wasn't here, so she probably still had classes. I drop my bag on the desk and fall down onto my bed.

I think back about the whole Liam situation and I actually feel bad for Luna. So I decide to text her to ask if she's free. She told me she's at the library so I'm on my way to see if she's okay.

"Hey Lun." I say as I sit down next to her. "Hey girl." She smiles at me. "How are you?" I ask her. "Well, yeah, I'm fine." "Really?" "Yeah, he's just a such a douchebag." "He is. So don't be sad about a douchebag like him. Okay?" "Sure. Thanks babe." She laughs.

Next day. Olivia and I walk out of campus on our way to grab some coffee because our classes don't start until 11 am.

"Don't you find it creepy?" Liv asks me. "What?" "That stalker." She responds pointing at someone. I turn around and see Liam standing against the wall. I decide to keep walking to avoid any contact with him.

"Hello, love." He says coming up behind me, "Why are you ignoring my texts?" "Why do you keep sending them?" "Because sooner or later you'll have to answer them." He smirks. "Or you, to Luca." I respond annoyed.

"You think I'm scared of Luca?" He laughs as I stop walking, "Just go out with me, we'll see what Luca thinks of it." "Just stop." I cut him off. "With what?" "You're really wasting your time." "I never give up."

"You're a smart girl, so you know that with every no, you make yourself even more attractive." He smirks, again, "If you really want to get rid of me, one date." I just look at him not planning on giving him a yes.

"Come on, stop playing so hard to get." "Wow. Did you learn that in your psychology course? Was that it?" I ask him, being done with this conversation. "No, one more thing." He says looking me up and down, "Fuck, you're sexy." I scoff at him.

I turn around, grab Liv's arm and we walk away. I could feel his eyes burning on my back. I look at Liv and she's smiling so hard, I'm surprised her cheeks are not hurting. "Oh, shut up." I say.

Lunch. Luna, Oliva and I sat together again and Liv couldn't stop laughing at me. Does this girl ever stop?

Liam and his friends walk by, but Liam walks over to us. Shit. "Luna." He says sitting down in front of us. "Yeah?" She responds. "Do you remember when I said I would never date a girl like you?" "Uh.." "That was bullshit." He cuts her off. Where is this coming from? Why is he apologizing?

"You're one of the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. And every guy who says otherwise, is a loser. Okay?" He says and Luna nods. "So?" I add. "So, so am I. Okay?" He says. Luna slightly nods again. "Sorry."

Did Liam just say sorry? THE Liam Anderson. Wow. He looks at me for a second before he stands up again and walks away.

This evening was the hockey game. Liv, Luna, Kiara and I decided to go watch. We get into Kiara's car and drive off to the rink.

The bleachers were all pretty full because this was a pretty important game apparently. We find a spot in the front of the bleachers and the whistle goes off and they start playing.

I recognise my brother's number, 22, and next to him is Liam with 10. The girls cheer for them both, going completely crazy as they wave at them with those stupid smirks.

I really like going to hockey games, in fact I've always been a hockey fan. Watching by brother play over the years was fun. My dad always used to take me to them.

"Penalty Bakersfield Roadrunners, number 36 Marcus Wilson for slashing." The speakers informed the crowd. Liam must've pissed him off real bad because I see them getting real close.

I can see Liam saying something to that guy that made him even more mad. So angry that it made him push Liam back, making him fall over and his helmet fall off. The anger inside Liam must be growing too right now because he stands up and hits him in the face also making his helmet fall off.

They keep throwing hands until the referee skates over to them and parts them. They both get seated on the bench and won't play this game anymore. Stupid fuckers. Why do boys always have to be so aggressive.

After the game we won 3-2 so we decided to wait for the boys. I see my brother and his friend Callum walking out. "Congrats guys." I say. "Thanks, Noa." Luca smiles. "How's Liam?" Luna asks them. "Oh, he's fine." Luca responds. Wait is Luna back to liking him again? I hope she knows beter than that.

The next day I sat in economics with Luna and Millie. "Have you guys seen Liam's face?" Luna asks us. "What's wrong with his face?" Millie responds. "Liam got into a fight last night at the game." We look besides us and see Liam sitting there with some friends. Why does he actually look fit with that black eye? Oh my God, Noa get a grip. "Why are you smiling?" I genuinely ask her. It's not like it was a good thing he did.

"Oh because." She answers. "Don't tell me you like him again, Luna." I ask her. "What? He's not that bad. He literally apologized in front of everyone and called me an amazing woman."

"He just texted me." Luna says smiling. "Make sure the entire team's coming on Friday." Luna reads out his text. "What's Friday?" I ask her. "Hello? The party." Luna answers, and I look over to Liam who was already looking at me. "You're coming right?" She asks me, "Pleaseee." She smiles.

"Yes, fine." I say. "Yay!" She immediately texts Liam to let him know we're all coming. I got a notification on my phone, and when I look at it, it's a text from Liam,

"To be continued."


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