Chapter 12

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Abhimaan's POV

"I care about you. you matter to me. I don't care about others neither should you." She told. She shocked me I felt like the happiest person on this planet.

I hugged her again more tightly this time.

"Let dress your wound." She ordered.
I smiled and sat back down. As she dressed my wound, I looked at her noticing her every single feature.

"Done!" She said.

"Now tell me the exact reason for your burst of anger." She asked me I explained her everything.

"Hmm. You will get the deal it's not a big deal." She told me.

"It's not about the deal. It's that I want to know that who sold our work who is the rat here." I told her while she nodded.

"Let's go out." She said.

"Where?" I don't know why I asked that what if she cancels the planet thoughts were interrupted when she said,

"We'll go somewhere and rome around then we'll go out for dinner." She said with amusement in her eyes.

"Ok." I said excitedly.

Then she took a hold of my hand and started moving outside. I saw shocked expressions of my employees. They thought that I would hurt her? Rubbish she has me on my knees without even asking.


I didn't really knew about where we were going cause my focus was on her while she was driving. The stopped I noticed my surroundings. It was an amusement park.

I looked at her with raised eyebrows. She just smiled, took my hand again and started walking.

As we entered there were a lot of rides with lights shining in dusk. We tried almost every ride with her laughing and telling me different things and smiling and adoring her. Can't I live in this moment forever.


We were now sitting in a beautiful restaurant, where everything was screaming royalty.

"I hope I did not bore you." She said with a little smile.

"No you didn't, sweetheart." I said and saw her cheeks turning into a Light pinkish shade.

After we placed her order. I asked her,

"So, when are you going."

"You want me to go back this soon." She asked me dramatically with a cute Pout on her lips
How much I want to kiss those- stop thinking stupid.

"Well, of course not infact I want you to stay here forever, with me." I said the last part wasn't for her to hear but looking at the blush that coated her cheeks she heard.

"Well, this is my last day here. I'll go back tomorrow morning." She said, I won't lie that did make me sad.

"But you will come to Jaipur soon." I raised my eyebrow in question.

"Well Aaditya Bhai is getting married and so is Aayushmaan Bhai ." She said.

"On the same day?" I asked.

"Yaa, the cards has been delivered already." She told.

"That's great."

Our orders came we did talk about random things and had our dinner peacefully.

Hello mere Chaand sitaaro 🌙✨,

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