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Chapter eight

"A trip out into the woods." 

Wearing a blue long sleeve shirt, Shawn headed downstairs where his siblings were sitting on the couch, Sam was on her phone while Anthony was on his gaming device that Shawn had given back to him sometime last week, as Shawn walked right up to the door just as the doorbell rang "grandma!" Anthony voiced, getting up off the couch, but Shawn already opened the door, having a huge smile on his face "hey, grandma!" he voiced "oh! Shawn you're getting so tall!" their grandma voiced, as she leaned in hugging him, Shawn hugged her back "you know you've always been my favorite, don't tell the others." their grandma told him.

As Shawn laughed, he stepped back "hey, cutie, give me a hug!" their grandma voiced as he hugged Anthony "oh, Sammie! When are you gonna stop getting so pretty?" their grandma asked as she hugged her, their uncle Louie walked in, as Shawn punched him in the arm "ah! The big idiot!" he voiced, as Louie furrowed his brows "big idiot? Whoa, whoa, I thought I was the coolest guy you ever knew?" he asked, as Shawn furrowed his brows "I never said that." he told him, as he began walking off, he passed his dad "Shawn, can you.." he went to ask him "already set the table!" Shawn voiced, as his dad patted him on the shoulder "that's my boy." he told him, chuckling.

Where once greetings were all done, everyone was sitting outside on the patio, as their dad was grilling along with their uncle Louie while the rest of them except their mom who was bringing out the rest of the food that didn't need to be grilled were sitting down watching them, although of course the topic of conversation had to be karate, but more specifically Johnny Lawrence and his cobra kai "you know, it's bad enough that this monster is teaching kids. Now he's somehow convinced the all valley board to let cobra kai back into the tournament." their dad shared "oh, that's horrible. They can't let them back. Oh, they're nothing but a bunch of bullies." their grandma shared.

And as she did, Shawn raised his brows knowing he had a helping hand in the resurgence of cobra kai, seeing as he was the one bullying half the kids who are in it now "they can't all be bullies, right?" Sam asked "trust me, sweetheart, you don't know the half of it." their grandma shared "oh trust me we do! I mean dad told us everything! Including the time he got pushed down the hill on his bike!" Shawn voiced, as their dad turned around "okay, I know you've heard it all but you don't got to say it like that!" he voiced, as Shawn raised his brows "no, I do." he told him.

"I thought it was a cliff?" Anthony asked and as he did, Shawn scoffed "know if it was, dad would be dead right now and none of us would be sitting here." he shared "he would be dead!" Anthony voiced, as their dad turned back from the grill looking at Shawn "nice one." he told him, as Shawn shrugged "it's the truth!" he voiced, as their dad huffed turning back to the grill "you want some pasta salad?" their mom asked their grandma "oh, no, thank you. I don't like that prepackaged stuff from the store it's, ugh!" their grandma shared "oh, well, I would've made some, but I got home late from the dealership." their mom shared as she sat down.

"It's fine, mom." Shawn told her, knowing how this was gonna go "oh no, that's ok, I get it. It's tough being a working mom, but at least you have a partner." their grandma shared, as their walked over to the table with the burgers and hot dogs "remember how I used to come home from work, and then started cooking from scratch?" their grandma asked, as their dad sighed as he sat down "yeah, ma." he told her, trying to comfort their mom, while their uncle Louie cracked open his beer on their patio furniture "you know, that son of a bitch has a lot of nerve entering the tournament." he shared, as he sat down.

Lonely heart, Tory Nichols Where stories live. Discover now