Letter 4

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💫Warning: this contains sensitive conversations💫

The bus ride to and from school is never easy. She hates riding the bus, and she hates the little white boy that picks on her. He always did. He would always ask her why she, a Black girl, had a white grandmother. But she wasn't just black. She was white, too.

When she got home that day, she threw her bookbag down. Her grandmother wasn't home yet. She knew that the world she lived in she couldn't escape. She hated herself, her color, her hair, her body; she hated it all. Why did she have to have black in hers? Why couldn't she be white like all the other kids on her bus and at school? Why did God hate her so much that he made her this color? Was she being punished by God? Why did he put her in this body with this colored skin? She hated it. She wished she wasn't alive. She wished she wasn't biracial. She wished she was never born. Her tears flow like a never-ending river, and she doesn't care what happened to her that day; as she goes into her room, she sees an envelope on her pillow. She wipes her eyes on her sleeve as she opens it to reveal a crumpled letter.


Dear self,

Today was a hard day. The bullying was bad, and you hate everything about yourself; that will one day go away, I promise. I know that right now, you don't see the beauty in you. How can you when you are told daily by your sister and others that you are ugly? Let me tell you something, little butterfly. You are not ugly; you are beautiful. You just haven't seen it in yourself, yet you will give it time. Just like everything in life, it doesn't see its beauty until it fully blooms; you will get there; don't let that boy or anyone tell you otherwise. You were meant to be here. You were meant to be biracial, and you were meant to be that butterfly that flourishes into something remarkable. Give it time; you will see that, trust me. Remember to be kind to yourself and others regardless. Good things will come your way, I swear.

Love you, love me.

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