Chapter Eleven: Not My Birthday But Good Try

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Walking down the cursed stairs to the game that is the easiest the entrance was almost completely closed and they weren't able to squeeze through.

On the wall, there was a hole that led down a hall that went seemingly nowhere other than a medium-sized hole on the floor.

Y/n hopped down it and crawled through it, reaching a room that allowed her to make a new hand for the Grabpack.

Multiple steps were needed to make a new hand for the tool, some weren't needed but unfortunately, the machine was broken.

1. Fix a pipe that led to the machine so the fluid could go through without spilling everywhere.

She fixed the pipe and continued to the next step.

2. Fill the machine with paint.

A gate opened that led to stairs where the paint bucket was, she went up a floor and grabbed the can, walking around to the other side to fill up the machine.

3. Click a bunch of buttons.

Clicking a random button, paint was sprayed all over the multitude of hands, and clicking one last button the hands were ejected and slid onto a conveyor belt that allowed them to pick one up and put it into the Grabpack slot.

On the wall, there was a power source that when using the new green Grabpack hand would hold some power only for ten seconds so you could power something.

She opened the door that led to another vent where the hands and or toys would go through to get to a whole new room for packaging.

Y/n walked down the vent and made a right turn leading out back into a hall near the game she needed where another hole was.

God, what's up with this place?

Y/n walked through the broken wall where there was a Bunzo Bunny cut out where you could press the button and hear the character say something.

"I know when your birthday is! June 28th!" it said while laughing.

"That's not it but good try," she said as she walked into the game, walking across a platform to get to the center where a bunch of buttons were.

"Welcome to Musical Memory!" a voice spoke after the screens came on."This advanced memory and cognitive recognition test is designed to stimulate several segments of the brain, allowing us to see how quickly and efficiently your brain works."

"A sequence of colors will be shown, and you must recreate the exact sequence using the buttons around you."

"Bunzo will slowly lower towards you. When you complete a color pattern correctly, Bunzo will rise back up."

"When you input a pattern incorrectly, Bunzo will lower towards you faster. If Bunzo reaches you, your test is over."

"The test will become more difficult as it continues with longer patterns, and quicker succession. That's all. Good luck!" he spoke before Mommy started to talk, watching from the viewing room.

"Oh, isn't it amazing? Mommy hasn't seen this place up and running in years! Mommy can only imagine how excited Bunzo must be. It's been such a long time since he's been able to play. To cheer. To eat. Oh! That's the dinner bell! Good luck." Bunzo was clashing his instrument before heading back up. 

The game started a series colors played out as is. 

Red, Red, Red, Yellow, Red.

It was easy, making Y/n chuckle a bit before it said round two making them sigh out of annoyance.

Green, Red, Green, Green, Blue, Violet.

Round Three

Blue, White, Violet, White, White, Orange

Round Four

Blue, J, 🤍, 🤍, PI, PI

It kept adding more and more until a hazard sign popped up, Y/n hit it and it broke the game.

"Oh. It broke. That's no fun... For doing such a splendid job, Mommy has decided to give you part of the code for the train. Look up. Take it." her hand appeared holding part of the train code before speaking again.

"Mommy was hoping the game could last a little longer. It's ok though. Mommy knows other ways to play with you."

She disappeared and the gate to the entrance fully opened, Y/n didn't say anything as they walked back toward the entrance.

She walked on a bridge that broke as soon as she stepped on it, Y/n sighing as she looked around, seeing a small vent that she'd probably fit through.

She opened the vent and crawled inside, making them mumble a bunch of curses knowing that their knees were dead as hell.

She kept crawling and heard banging noises, Mommy was most likely fighting Bunzo because he didn't kill them, the noises making Y/n crawl faster.

"Must go faster." Y/n mumbled as she reached the next room, a rejection room with a bunch of recalls and toys they'd never sell.

Y/n fell and landed on her side, making her cry out in pain, on the verge of passing out as some blood came from her side, closing their eyes and falling asleep.

"What a chicken!" A boy said cornering young Y/n behind Home-Sweet-Home, a couple of other young boys picking on them.

"Having nightmares because of CatNap? Lame, he isn't even scary!" Another boy said as he chuckled.

"T-Tyler's scared of him too!" Y/n replied, trying her hardest to figure out a way to show that other people are scared.

"No he isn't. You're the one that got a separate room and Tyler's staying with you cause you're a wimp!" He shouted.

He was right, Tyler hadn't had any nightmares, he moved just to comfort Y/n.

Y/n started to cry, the boys laughing at the child before Y/n looked back up, eyes wide with absolute horror.

CatNap was lurking above them.

"B-behind you..." Y/n slowly pointed at CatNap, the boys turning around to see a pair of glowing eyes, the boys instantly running off in fear of the purple cat.

"P-please... don't come any closer!" She pleaded as CatNap, well, got closer.

He stared at them, signaling Y/n to follow him, even using his right paw to help them up, Y/n hesitating at first before accepting it.

His sharp claw cut their hand, making Y/n cry again, the cat putting his paw down and looking at the crying child, almost seeming... regretful?

CatNap slowly started to leave, turning back to look at the child and using his head to signal where he needed her to go.

Y/n followed the cat as he took her to an adult who was watching over the kids so they could get medical help.

Y/n watched as CatNap left her in the care of an adult.

On that day Y/n's fear of CatNap was gone... mostly.


I know in an early chapter it said Tyler was scared but I rewrote it

I'm tired lmao

Also sorry if your birthday is actually June 28th I just wanted to add that.

Poppy Playtime x Reader (rewritten version) Where stories live. Discover now