Chapter 30

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“Cashew. Stay still for a moment.”

The time has come.

My sluggish body which had been lazily lying on top of the sawdust to enjoy the warm light of the electric lamp was helplessly lifted by Kyle’s rough hands.

He picked me up more carefully than usual and took my measurements with a tape measure he got from who-knows-where.

―Squeak. (Sigh.)

I stretched out my arms and watched Kyle work with full concentration. His hands and arms were wrapped in bandages and yet on his day off, he was doing this instead of resting.

Just rest. Stay lying down on your bed.

I burrowed myself among the yarn and, with a sour expression on my face, read the book Kyle laid out, .

Well, I read it and closed my eyes shut in cringe.

The outfit Kyle chose to make was a pink cape with a large strawberry embroidered on the back. I turned my head to try to pretend I didn’t see it.

I knew it. I shouldn’t have given him this book. At the very least, I should’ve looked over it before giving it to him.

At that time, I was fooled by the viral marketing of the system that said [You can keep fluffy hamster clothes in your inventory and use them at your disposal!].

[d=====( ̄▽ ̄*)b]

Why are you so happy.

I huffed and kicked towards the system window. Kyle must’ve thought I was fighting with the air, so he stopped for a moment and gently stroked my body.

“Wait a bit even if you’re bored. I’ll finish this up quickly.”

And then I was given an almond.

With a sigh, I laid down on my side and watched Kyle while nibbling on the almond.

‘Well. It’s already happened, so what can I do anyways.’

When I asked the system, it said that if I used ‘Summon’ to turn into a human, the clothes would also grow bigger to suit me. Anyways, isn’t it better to wear at least a cloak than to be naked when you’re in a hurry?

The problem was Kyle’s crafting abilities.

‘……Is that really clothes? Not something else?’

I scrunched my face as I watched him make what looked like a dish scrub. The dishes would become so clean if I used that. Anyways, it meant that I couldn’t wear that.

Then, a knock and the voice of a knight came from outside the door.

“Pardon my intrusion.”

“No. Don’t come in.”

Kyle raised his voice as his fingers slipped. The large door slightly opened a crack before closing again.

“……Are you busy at the moment?”

“Coming into the study is prohibited unless someone has died. Do not come to me for trivial reasons!”

Kyle’s voice was firm.

‘Why are you talking like that? You’re just knitting hamster clothes.’

Even if it’s you, I bet you don’t want your subordinates to see this, huh…….

The knight outside raised his voice sharply and shouted, “Yes sir!” before walking away.

With that, it should be silent without anyone else’s disturbance for a while. The poor knight would tell everyone in the castle to not go into the study even if they’re dying.

The Northern Grand Duke's Hamster|북 부대공의 햄스터 (English Translation/Unofficial)Where stories live. Discover now