03. 𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶

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"My Name is Jinpachi Ego. I was hired to give Japan a world cup victory."

Adonis stood at the very back of the large room, entering just as the man started.

He hadn't brought anything but his phone, airpods, and backpack—which was heavy with his essentials, and all his sister's extra crap she insisted he'd need.

He sighed, scratching his neck where his tattoo of two crosses sat behind his left ear, each cross a representation of him and his sister, with relation to their given name, Saint.

He had to wake up early to go to the store to talk with his boss, to tell him that he wouldn't be around for a bit.

It was earlier than he normally got up, so he was standing in the facility, absolutely exhausted.

'Never again.' He thought to himself as he yawned, not bothering to listen to the man's speech, as he pulled his phone out to text his sister.

He didn't know how long he had been texting his sister for, but the commotion of everyone running in front of him brought his attention away from his conversation with his sister, looking up to see he was the last one in the room.

"Adonis Saint. What a pleasant suprise."

He looks towards the front of the Room, where the man stood with his hands behind his back.

"I'm suprised you're even here, Saint."

Adonis's face remained straight, not engaging in the conversation, turning back to the door and opening it to walk out.

"It's been four or five years since you last played, correct?" Ego started, stopping Adonis in his tracks.

"Four or five years of watching Sae Itoshi become great? Watching Julian Loki become uncomparable to anyone in your generation? The same Loki that was second to you."

Adonis had kept his back turned to the man, listening to what he was saying, deciding if it was worth his time to continue listening.

"What if Adonis Saint went to Europe with Sae Itoshi? What if Adonis Saint became the best in the world?"

"You sound like another fan. One that spends their time fantasizing about my life." Adonis spoke, turning back to look at Ego.

"I am a fan, Mr. Saint. I believe in your abilities, and-"

"You believe in the money I can bring the JFA. Just like that fatass JFA president." Adonis spoke again, cutting Ego off.

"I am nothing like that slob. My one goal is to bring Japan a world cup. I don't care about material such as money." Ego spoke, disgust laced in his tone at the idea of being compared to the man. "Blue Lock will thrive with or without you, Saint. The choice is yours regardless; You know better than anyone what it takes to be the world's best."

Adonis sighed, walking back into the building and letting the door close behind him.

"You're trying awfully hard to get me to agree even though you say Blue Lock would thrive without me," Adonis said, the amusement evident in his voice.

"I must admit, a player of your caliber would benefit the program immensely, but it's as I said before. We will thrive with or without you."

Adonis walked forwards, sighing as he took his hands out of his pockets, tilting his head to the side as he rubbed his neck in a similar fashion to before.

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