Chapter 3 Madam Cui

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As soon as Cui Muli's voice sounded, the courtyard suddenly fell silent.

Lan Xia and Fu Lu froze, with only one pair of eyeballs still able to move, and they stared at each other.

They were caught speaking ill of the Second Young Master, what should they do? What to do! Those who make false remarks about the master will be dragged to receive a slap in the face!

The two of them were at a loss and frightened. They turned to look at their Young Lady with a tacit understanding, with two rays of expectation in their eyes.

Miss, we made the mistake because of you, you can't ignore it!

After the calluses on her ears, Xie Miao's face was about to have two holes poked out by them. She seemed very calm. She stood up with one hand on the bench, picked up the thin silk and then looked towards the door, "Thank you for your concern, Cousin Cui."

Her voice was still hoarse from the illness and her attitude was polite but distant. She only thanked him but had no intention of inviting him in.

Before Cui Muli could react, Song Zhi had already rushed forward, "Miss Cousin, today our Young Master specially bought pastries from Bazhenzhai to visit you."

He puffed out his chest and looked arrogant, already anticipating the cousin's ecstasy and attentiveness after hearing this. However after waiting, he only heard her order the maid: "Go and carry things quickly."

Fu Lu stepped forward to take away the food box then stepped back. Lan Xia suddenly felt blessed and said, "Second Young Master, please sit with the Young Lady for a while. I will go make tea for you."

Xie Miao stopped her and just as she was about to speak, Cui Muli said, "Okay."

Speaking of this, Xie Miao had no choice but to let go and said politely: "Cousin Cui, please sit down."

No one mentioned what had happened just now. Those who were slandered didn't care and those who said bad things didn't blush or feel sad.

There were only two wooden stools in the yard and Cui Muli randomly picked one and sat down. Xie Miao fell back on the bench and when she raised her eyes, she saw him staring at her.

Because she had been ill for several days, her complexion was not good. Her face without makeup was white and flawless, exuding a sickly air. Only the tip of her nose was red, just like the cat Cui Muli saw in the market a few days ago.

Madam Xie was not exaggerating this time. She was indeed ill. Unlike in the past, she was always suspected of exaggerating.

Cui Muli asked: "Are you better?"

The person in front of her who asked the question was the eighteen-year-old Cui Muli but Xie Miao was thinking of Cui Muli from the previous life. Gradually, their faces overlapped and she could no longer tell the difference.

That's right, no matter which life Cui Muli was in, she didn't want to be involved with him anymore.

Xie Miao replied: "I just caught a little cold, just rest for a few days."

Cui Muli noticed that her eyes were turbulent for a moment but soon became calm. The eyes that used to accommodate all kinds of emotions are now just calm.

Xie Miao seemed to have changed under some circumstances that he didn't know about but no matter what, it had nothing to do with him.

Cui Muli completed the task assigned by Cui Shi Shuo and after a brief greeting, he stood up and left. Xie Miao didn't even show him to the door. Cui Muli looked back for the last time and saw her lazily lying back on the bench.

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