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Word Count: 1901


My fingers shift along her forehead, through the still damp strands of hair that I brush from her temple.

Sienna dozes peacefully, her full lips parted, her breaths deep.

My gaze drifts to the bluish purple bruise stained beneath her skin. If crowds her eye, accompanying a nasty lump along her cheekbone that is mostly covered by the bandage.

Murderous rage simmers below the surface of my calm.

I have to remind myself that Sienna is home. She's safe.

And Kayn will be dead soon.

Last night Sienna, exhausted from her travels, stumbled into a fitful slumber. Sleep eluded me for hours as I lay with her head in the crook of my neck.

For every scene playing in my head depicting Kayn hitting Sienna, came a scene after of all the different ways I may kill him.

Each being slow, painful.

Sienna awakens with a start, her eyes fluttering open. She finds my face first, a small, cute little frown passing over her face before she looks around.

"Where am I?" She mumbles blearily, trying to sit up.

I press her shoulder back until her head is nestled back into her pillow. "It's okay, you're in my room."

"Oh...right." She rubs her forehead as memories of last night come back to her.

"How are you feeling?" I murmur softly.

All my anger has melted away suddenly. Her presence has that affect. Instead, I feel elated having her back, in my bed, where she belongs.

"Tired, sore. But good," she responds, her fingertips brushing along the bruise as if to check it's still there. She winces in pain, letting out a rough sigh.

"Your eye..."

"Is it bad?"

"The swellings gone down a bit, but it's going to be discoloured for a while," I tell her, grinding my back teeth together irritably.

I was awake much earlier, pacing outside my bedroom door. My body is itching to do away with that monster, but I haven't wanted to leave her here to wake up alone.

She breathes in deeply, noticing the sweet smell of pastries in the room. She looks to the bedside table, seeing a tray laden will all her favourite breakfasts foods.

She looks at me. "You brought me food?"

"Diane had it made just for you. Everything you liked," I tell her warmly, watching her sit up.

She looks delectable in my shirt with messy hair and an excited smile. Selfishly I want to keep her in this room all day, but she deserves to see everyone else who cares about her.

"You think of everything," she murmurs, her eyes melting my heart. "Thank you."

She pulls the tray onto her lap, going immediately for the coffee that is barely room temperature at this point. Regardless, she takes a sip and sighs contently.

"Diane is dying to see you."

"I'll go down soon. My legs are killing me from all that walking." She takes a bite of a puffy piece of sweet pastry.

"All you need to do today is rest."

The longer she stays in my bed, the longer we can stave off any of our obligations. People will realise she's returned to me, and the rumours will spread like wildfire.

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