Chapter 30

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Louise's POV

"You work fast, I thought it'd be harder to get anything since Esther said he's a major control freak," I say as I wait for Ari to airdrop me all the pictures. "Also, this is so anti-climatic, you're supposed to give me a brown envelope with all the pictures printed."

She raises her eyebrow, eyeing me from the corner of her eyes. "Do you think I carry a printer around? Where are we, in the 1980s?"

"Well, I don't, I'll have to print these at work," I groan, looking through the pictures.

"Does your girlfriend not have one?"

"Probably... How did you get this?" I show her my phone, a picture of Caleb's naked ass bending down on a bed, shot from outside the window.

"Concrete proof, there's nothing more concrete than that... That guy is gay, like really gay."

"I can't use this, this is illegal."

"Is it?" she scratches her chin, and I'm not sure if she's taking a piss out of me or not. "It's illegal peepee poopoo, says Ms Blackmail."

"Alright now," I groan. "Ugh, I'm scared to go further..."

"Oh yeah, don't. I took those with my eyes closed."

"You can't be serious, tell me you have a picture of them kissing or holding hands or something."

"Oh yeah, don't worry, they're at the end," she smirks.

"You're telling me I have to go through all of these to get to them?" I ask, watching her shrug her shoulders. "You sent me the wrong invoice."

"You told me not to send you a blank invoice," she says, opening the door to leave the car.

"I'm not paying you sixty-nine cents, Ari. What are you? Twelve?"

"If you don't pay what you owe me, I'll hire a mob to beat your ass, you have until Friday," she says in a serious tone before roughly closing the door and walking away.

"Idiot" I mutter, shaking my head as I make my way into the office building, walking past my desk and straight to Esther's office.

"We left at the same time yet you still managed to be late," she says, raising her eyes from the reports. "What a feat."

"Can I use your printer?" I ask, ignoring her jab.

"Why?" she raises her eyebrows.

"I need to print some photos."

"That's a good reason to come to work," she says sarcastically.

"It's for the greater good," I say, taking my phone out of my pocket and walking over to her. "Look," I say, showing her a photo.

She holds my wrist, pulling it down so she can take a proper look at the picture, and then back at me with a frown.

"Oh shit, this is a nude of me, sorry," I say, swiping to the next photo. "Here."

She sighs, looking at the phone again. "Why am I looking at an ass? Is this you again?"

"Why must you insult me like that? Do you think my ass is this flat and hairy?" I gag.

"How did she get these pictures?"

"My thoughts exactly, but I'm not about to complain."

"You're not using my printer for that," she says, letting go of my wrist. "Use the printer from the copy room."

"What if someone sees? Plus I thought you wanted to get him out of our way as much as I do."

"I do, but is this the right time? We're at work not at school, if you have forgotten."

Rule No. 1: No Romance (GirlxGirl WlW)Where stories live. Discover now