Chapter 14: Jazz Trouble

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It was a few weeks to a month later when Branch started walking around by himself without Poppy or his Brothers being overprotective of him. They all started to relax a little more, even him. He wasn't waking up in the middle of the night as often and he had to admit that those therapy sessions with Mr. Dinkles was helping, as much as he hated it. However, something did change amongst the village.

To say Branch was embarrassed was an understatement. Everywhere he went by himself, he was asked if 'he was okay', 'doing fine', 'how is the baby', 'are you alright', 'do you want me to get Poppy' or 'do you need your brothers'. Everyone seemed concerned, even the children were worried about him.

"Are you sure you're okay? I can watch over you at night while you sleep." Keith asked while they walked and he held Branch's hand.

"No, please don't." Branch quickly dismissed and pretended he didn't just hear what the small green troll had said.

"Okay but if you need me, just ask." Keith was determined to help Branch any way he could. "I missed you when you were away."

Branch smiled as he looked down at the boy. "Thank you and I will let you know but don't worry. I'm going to be okay." He reassured him when they finally arrived at their destination. It was the small beach area where some other trolls were waiting for him. Poppy unfortunately wasn't able to go since an emergency came up at Sky Toronto's factory and she had to rush over there.

"Hey, Branch!" Guy Diamond called while running over with his son standing in his hands.

"Did you bring Shelly with you?" Tiny asked excitedly.

"Yes." Branch smiled as he took the egg out of his hair and showed them. The small glitter troll happily jumped over and gave the baby a quick hug before hopping back to Guy.

"Ohhhhohhh." Keith had no idea Branch brought the baby. "Can I hold the egg?" He was hopeful but understood if Branch said 'no'.

Branch mulled over the thought for a few moments when he eventually caved. Only because Poppy let others do the same when they would ask. "Uhh, sure but be careful." He warned nervously before carefully handing the egg to Keith who sat down in the sand. That made Branch feel much better about the situation.

"Poppy said if I ever asked you, I have to be sitting down." Keith admitted as he held the egg carefully.

"Huh? Really?" Branch blushed a little upon hearing his girlfriend had said that.

"Yea, she told us all." Smidge nodded as she contentedly looked at the egg. "But I never asked, I just didn't feel right about it." Though, She definitely was going to hold the baby once they hatched.

Once Keith heard that, he gave the baby back. He felt that maybe he shouldn't have asked after all since he knew it was going to make Branch feel anxious. Plus, they were here to relax, have some fun and to play. "Can we make a sand castle?" He asked since that's what he wanted to do first.

Branch placed the baby back in his hair, safe and sound when he nodded. "Sure Keith."

"Yay!" Keith excitedly ran off towards the water's edge while grabbing some stuff that would help them.

Branch and the others joined him a few seconds after.


They were almost done building the sand castle when a particularly large wave got too close and ruined it. They all were a little sad before looks of surprise crossed their faces as the wave retreated and revealed a purplish-blue troll with red hair. He was holding onto a saxophone almost for dear life.

This prompted Keith to grab a stick and poke the strange troll in the cheek to see if he was still alive but there was no movement. "I think he might be—" The small troll didn't get to finish when they heard a groan from the downed troll.

The other's sighed in relief, especially Tiny since he couldn't handle things like this very well.

"Are you okay?" Branch got down on one knee to ask the troll. He was pretty sure the other's name was Chaz. He hadn't seen him in a long time, not since the rock apocalypse happened.

"I th-Ouch!" Chaz felt the stick being poked at him a few times before it was shoved up his nose. "Will you please stop poking me, brat." He grabbed the stick and tossed it which made the small child chuckle.

"Don't call him that. If you're okay then maybe you can tell us why you're here?" Branch wanted to get back on topic since he didn't fully trust him.

"I'm here because I was traveling around trying to spread the love of Jazz music but then I was attacked by some bugs and ended up here." Chaz spoke in annoyance as he stood up and shook the water out of his ears and saxophone. "But no one seems to appreciate my music." He said sadly.

Branch stood back up as well while taking a few steps back when he felt a little pity for the other troll. He didn't have to say anything but thinking about how Poppy would have handled the situation. He wanted to be more helpful to her and the village since he was going to be king. Even if the other wasn't from their tribe. "Uhh, actually... I like it but only when you're not trying to hypnotize others." It was true but he also made sure to add that last part.

Chaz was flabbergasted as he dropped his instrument in disbelief. "Are- are you serious??" He asked with a smile and zoomed over to the blue troll. He grabbed his hands and tugged him forward a bit to stand as close as possible. 

"Uhh, yea....?" Branch nervously spoke and leaned away as he took a few steps back. He then tried to free his hands but the other wouldn't let go. He was getting irritated when he stepped back once again to tug his hands away more forcefully but slipped on something and fell to the ground with Chaz landing on top of him.

"Oh my!~ Are you okay my lo—" Chaz was cut off by a loud piercing battle cry.


Just as Branch was about to punch him, Smidge came yelling and tackled the other. They rolled a few feet away as the girl ferociously pulled at his sideburns like a wild animal.

Chaz was screaming as he ran around trying to get away.

"Branch! Are you okay?" Guy worriedly asked and helped him back up.

"Yea, Smidge just saved me from committing... Well, let's just say it wasn't going to be pretty." Branch grumbled angrily and dusted the sand off, wishing he would have at least gotten one punch in.

"Why are there so many psycho's out there?" Tiny jumped over and hugged Branch when Keith did the same while nodding his head.

Branch was about to answer when Chaz came rushing back over with Smidge hot on his trail. He rolled as he pushed Guy out of the way and grabbed his saxophone. He quickly started playing the instrument. It sounded horrible at first but once the water was cleared, it caused everyone to hallucinate and fall under his control.

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