The Invasion Begins

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As we all settled down to sleep, I just lay there. I tried closing my eyes. I tried watching the movie that was on the TV. I even tried just staring at the ceiling but nothing. My mind raced with all of the what ifs that could happen. 

"You still awake?" Aiden asked.

"Yeah," I mumbled.

"You okay?"

"I don't know. I guess."

"We're safe."

"I guess we are, but what about everyone else out there?"

A heavy feeling fell over the room as I contemplated the gravity of the situation. Aiden reached for my hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"We can't save everyone, Rory," he whispered. "We're doing what we can for now. Your parents will be here soon, and maybe they can figure out a plan. We just have to stay together and stay safe."

I nodded, grateful for Aiden's comforting presence. Despite his reassurances, a lingering unease settled in the pit of my stomach. What if the Lunae were already among us, hiding in plain sight? What if they were watching our every move?

As I continued to wrestle with my thoughts, the distant sound of sirens pierced through the night. The wailing echoed eerily, a stark reminder of the chaos that had engulfed our once-peaceful town.

"Are those police sirens?" Lauren asked, her voice tense.

"Could be," Aiden replied, sitting up. "Maybe they've found something. Or someone."

A heavy sense of anticipation hung in the air as we strained to listen, hoping for some clarity in the midst of the unknown. The flickering light from the TV cast eerie shadows across the room, heightening the tension.

Grams hurried into the room, counting all of us.

"Sirens," I replied, my voice barely audible.

"I fear the situation is escalating," she said, her gaze flickering toward the window. "We should be cautious. But for now, get some rest. We'll need our strength for whatever tomorrow brings."

"What do you  mean escalating?" Amber asked. "What happened? Did someone else die?"

"I'm not sure just yet. Just...stay here. I'll find out what's going on."

As Grams left the room, we all just sat up and looked at each other. Sleep was the furthest thing from all of our minds as our thoughts raced with the uncertainties of the night. I couldn't shake the feeling that our small group, huddled in the safety of Grams' home, was just a fragile refuge in the midst of a storm that was far from over.

The minutes stretched into an agonizing silence after Grams' departure, leaving us to grapple with the unknown. Aiden's grip on my hand tightened as if to anchor me in the uncertainty surrounding us.

"What do you think is happening out there?" Lauren whispered, her eyes wide with apprehension.

"I don't know, but Grams seemed worried," I replied, my voice barely audible.

"There are more dead people! I know there are!" Amber cried, burying her face in her knees.

The muffled sounds of urgent footsteps and hushed conversations reached us from the hallway, heightening our sense of vulnerability. Aiden sat up, his eyes scanning the room as if searching for answers in the shadows.

"I hate this waiting game," Amber said, frustration evident in her voice. "I just want to know what's going on."

A heavy thud against the front door jolted us all, eliciting startled gasps. We exchanged wary glances, our thoughts unspoken but shared. Aiden, ever the protector, positioned himself between us and the door.

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