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I stepped out of my car and into the sweltering August heat. I took a deep breath and appreciated the clear blue sky. Couldn't have chosen better weather for move-in day. I had pulled up next to a brick apartment building just off campus from the small university that I would be starting my graduate studies at.

My mom's car pulled up behind mine, both were packed full with my boxes and furniture.

"Alright Reyna, you've got the key right?" my mom called from the driver's seat.

"Yes Mom, I got it. Thanks again for helping me move in," I said as I opened my passenger side door. Out bounded Nugget, my golden retriever. She was trained as my emotional support animal, but she was also so much more. She had been my lifeline for the past two years. "Aw, are you excited to get out of the car, huh?" I cooed as my mom stepped out of her car.

"It's only an hour drive. I'm sure Nugget's fine," she said as she started unloading boxes.

"I'm going to take her inside and out of the heat, okay? I'll be right back," I called as I entered the old building. Thankfully my apartment was on the first floor. As I stepped into the air conditioned hallway, I was startled by a man who was waiting by my door.

He... he looked similar to him. Nugget nuzzled my clenched hand, sensing my panic. I took a deep, shaky breath.

"Hi," he rumbled in a low voice. "I'm your landlord. Just here to greet you and make sure you get settled in okay." I fought the urge to take a step back.

"Hello," I squeaked. I had to calm down, remember to breathe. It was fine. I was safe. Wheaton was a hundred miles away serving twenty-eight life sentences. I swallowed the lump in my throat and tried to shake the memories that threatened to overwhelm my senses. No one was touching me, but despite that the panic rose.

"Oh, who is this fellow?" he said, leaning down to pet Nugget.

"Her name is Nugget," I said quietly. Nugget started wagging her tail. I knew she was an excellent judge of character, and I felt the panic start to subside.

"I love dogs," he said as he straightened up and offered me his hand to shake. "My name is Mark, pleasure to meet you. You're Reyna right?" I took a deep breath and placed my hand in his and shook it.

"Yes, it's nice to meet you," I said, smiling.

My fear melted away and I felt my alarm dwindle until I was perfectly calm again. It had been awhile since the flashbacks had hit me that hard. I still get pretty bad nightmares, but during the day I was usually able to keep them at bay. It had been ages since I'd heard his voice in my head. But I made it through. Even if I was never able to fully shake off Wheaton's influence, it was my life and I was going to live it how I wished. That monster couldn't slow me down.


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