Chapter 15 Zombie Evolution

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 The black rain has only been falling for a day and a night, and the zombies have already evolved.

  Not only has the speed become much faster, but the physical body has also become much harder.

  Previously, a small thunder ball could easily kill zombies.

  Now use a big thunder ball and Chen Wenke's wind blade to harvest their heads.

  What's even more frightening is that these two zombies are both junior zombies that have just mutated.

  One can imagine what will happen to those zombies that have mutated long ago after being baptized by the black rain?

  There is also white tea.

  Why does she know that zombies will evolve stronger if they are not killed?

  Maybe it's a guess.

  Otherwise, how could she, an unawakened girl, know things that even they were not sure about.

  In short, everyone can't help but feel a little anxious. Although they are all superpowers, their superpowers are also limited.

  It would be great if there was any way to upgrade their abilities.

  These people don't know that on the energy map in Bai Chacha's mind, the two small red dots are getting brighter and brighter.

  Of course we know that they are evolving stronger and stronger.


  When the female zombie was chasing the man, she suddenly paused. This was also the result of Bai Chacha releasing her spiritual power to control the female zombie.

  Sure enough, it's still not very good. I can only control it for a moment.

  She is still too weak.

  After the Black Rain ends, we must find a way to obtain zombie crystal cores as soon as possible to increase the level of abilities.

  The mental abilities are relatively useless in the early stage, but will become very powerful after reaching the third level.

  She was not in a hurry and took her time. Fortunately, her physical strength was not as strong as before.

  The pink apple is equivalent to giving her new powers, power and speed.

  She could definitely feel just now that with pure brute force, she could completely torture those two zombies.

  However, these two newly mutated zombies are not a big threat in themselves. The zombies you encounter in the future will only become stronger and stronger, so you should make plans in advance.

  Don't relax in training!

  She must make good use of her space, break time into eight petals, and use every minute to improve her strength.

  Lock the door.

  Entering the space, another training session was as fierce as a tiger, and I was so tired that I couldn't get up.

  Bai Chacha picked another pink apple and ate it.

  Sure enough, he was resurrected with full health again, and his strength and speed became stronger!

  This time, he struck the tree trunk with his palm and immediately broke it in pieces.

  I touched my slender, white and tender arms and legs, and found that there were no large muscles. They still felt soft to the touch, but the lines were tight and smooth.

  It is indeed different from the real power system and speed system.

  The real power users are basically big muscular men or muscular women.

  The whole body is full of tendons and meat, and it looks very fierce.

  Her real power is a spiritual power, which requires crystal cores to upgrade.

  In terms of speed and strength, she can only rely on pink apples.

  Now there are only four pink apples left, and she is reluctant to eat them.

  After training and resting for a while, he came out of the space again.

  The five people downstairs were still sitting on the sofa in a daze.

  Looking at the time, it was not lunch time yet, but she was already hungry.

  Maybe it's because she consumes a lot, so she gets hungry quickly, and she's too embarrassed to tell others.

  As a last resort, she returned to the room and entered the space.

  Looking at the limited number of six chickens jumping around, I gritted my teeth and slaughtered one with heartache.

  I have to eat sparingly. I ate one today and there are only five left. I don't know when the next chicken will be.

  Cut the neck to bleed, boil hot water to remove chicken feathers, and disembowel the chicken.

  To be honest, this was the first time in her life that she had killed a chicken.

  She felt that she had done a good job in killing and had a sense of accomplishment.

  Clean the whole chicken and chop it into pieces.

  When I was a child in the countryside, I would use a wood-fired stove. I would light the firewood, heat the pot and put in oil. When the oil is hot, I would pour a bamboo basket of chicken into the pot and stir-fry.

  After frying until the color changes, add dried chili pepper, Sichuan peppercorns, ginger, garlic, anise and other ingredients and continue to stir-fry.

  Pour soy sauce for color.

  I also put in some other miscellaneous condiments, not to mention, the condiment jars in the kitchen of this hut are really complete.

  Add water to soak the chicken, cover the pot and simmer.

  Taking advantage of this time, I dug up two more potatoes, cleaned them, peeled them and cut them into hob pieces for later use.

  After stewing for a full hour, the chicken has been stewed until it has fallen off the bones, and the potatoes are also cooked.

  Half a pot of potato and chicken stew is ready.

  I had a bowl of white tea and started eating it. M.biQuge.biZ

  Not to mention, she stewed it so haphazardly, and the dish turned out to be amazing, very delicious.

  Dishes cooked in a big iron pot cooked with firewood are fragrant.

  While eating the chicken in the bowl, Bai Chacha was already thinking about when to make the goose stewed in the iron pot.

  It must be delicious.

  Too much, I can't finish it.

  Put the rest in a ceramic jar and save it for when you want to eat it.

  Don't worry about it getting cold.

  Because white tea has made a new discovery.

  She started to eat with a small bowl and carried it under the pink apple tree to eat.

  It turns out that space is indeed stationary. Even if it is hot when it is taken out of the pot, it will still be hot when it is eaten.

  She didn't dare to take the bowl out to the outside world to cool down before eating, for fear that the smell would spread and others would smell it and become suspicious.

  He endured the burning and breathed in the heat, tearing the chicken and potatoes into very small pieces before eating them.

  When she went to the pot to fill the second bowl, she found that the chicken and potatoes in the pot had become cold.

  She suspected that this thatched house was the only place in the entire space where time did not stand still.

  So now she was eating in the kitchen with a bowl in hand. As expected, the food became colder and colder as she ate.

  So as long as she puts the dishes out and put them outside the thatched house, whatever the temperature and freshness are when they are brought out, the temperature and freshness will remain the same when she eats them.

  She was also worried about whether the flow of time when cooking in the thatched house was the same as that in the outside world.

  So ​​he deliberately stayed in the thatched house to conduct experiments.

  I found that there was no such thing. In terms of time, it was still the same moment when I came in and the same moment when I left.

  She doesn't understand why the space has such a setting, but she feels that it is quite humane. At least when she eats, she won't worry about the food being too hot to eat.

  After adding meals to your space, your training will of course be doubled.

  If you are not cruel to yourself, you will not be able to stand firm in the last days!

  After going downstairs to eat noodles at noon, Bai Chacha continued to go back to his room to train in space.

  In one day in the outside world, she had already completed someone else's week's worth of training in the space.

  Training over and over again without getting tired of it!

  Bai Yayi is the person who knows Bai Chacha best. When eating in the evening, Bai Yayi felt that Bai Chacha was different again.

  She couldn't tell exactly what was different, but it just felt different.

  Maybe it's the eyes, the temperament, or the charm.

  Her intuition has always been very accurate, but she can't give a specific reason.

  This made Bai Yayi a little irritable.

  What made her feel even more outrageous was that she actually felt that there was a big difference between the white tea in the evening and the white tea in the morning!

  But it was obvious that she had been eating and sleeping, and had not done anything serious.

  But she still couldn't help but ask: "Chacha, are you feeling unwell the past few days and haven't recovered yet? I see that you always go back to your room to rest after eating. Some Worry."

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