Eyes on The Prize.15

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Carters POV

At the Estate, chaos reigned. Over sixty rogue shifters and Lycans outnumbered us. They were stronger than usual, causing us to splinter and break formation. Besides my team, it was reduced to half with Guy and the others away. Everyone was green and panicked.

I had no other visiting Enforcer Units here. This was, without any doubt, a leak from within my pack.

The rogues spread through the Estate as if in search of something. I attempted to regroup with Niko, but I was overwhelmed.

We had lost ground when a flash of light came from the far mountainside above the Orchard. It lit up the skyline, the same colours that surrounded Erika emitted the night of the cell fire. It had to be her.

Was she sending us a message, or was she in a fight like us, fuck? If I could link with her, it would be easier.

The howl of another group of shifters diverted my attention. In moments, my father and grandfather arrived to assist. Then, another ten old enforcers followed. I was relieved.

"We thought we would even the odds," my grandfather said. A twinkle of vivacity in his eyes was a sight I hadn't seen in years. My father's chuckle followed suit. If my grandfather were not such an asshole, I would have enjoyed the moment.

I learned a long time ago not to trust his sincerity. He always had a hidden agenda.

By now, more warriors were running in to help. I needed to get to Erika. I signalled Max and Niko to follow me. I wish I had not sent Guy and the other girls on another mission this afternoon. I was becoming heavily reliant on them; we all were. They were worth four enforcers each.

The lodge at the Orchard was desolate; no one was there, and all tracks led up the mountain.

"It doesn't make sense," said Max as we raced up the mountain towards the carnage. All I could hear was blood-curdling screaming. My hearing picked up on everything: crying and fear. But it didn't sound right; it sounded muffled or staged. Whoever was before us moved as quickly as we were, and my only hope was Erika ahead of us.

"What are you picking up, Niko?" Niko was an exceptional tracker.

"Group of male shifters, I think they have women with them. But I don't recognize the scent. They are heading up to Erika but seem panicked."

"You think?" said Max.

I can't explain it. It feels like the frequencies are crossing over. It's like I'm a young wolf trying to read the code my wolf sends me." he was frustrated. Anger is coming through our link.

We picked up pace. It had to be a raiding party. Erika must have blocked their planned exit. But who was she fighting? The shifters were still running ahead of us. I heard thundering behind us, turning to see Clara and a group of warriors.

"The Lycans have left the Estate; they turned as quickly as they arrived. Your father has given chase, but they are fast," she called through the link.

"Take your team to the left of us, Clara, and go around them; they may split to avoid the commotion ahead of us."

We all fell onto a cleared forest area, burnt to the ground. Two dead shifters lay in the debris. They had been snapped at the neck, their heads removed from their bodies. A roar from the far end had me lifting my head. At least three Lycans were fighting with another Lycan. There was no mistaking it was Erika; her scent was embedded in me now. She was in full Lycan form, but the lite around her was her definitive mark.

"Holy shit," I heard behind me. To see a Lycan in full form was confronting for the hardiest of the paranormal. Something told me Erika would not like this, the pack seeing her.

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