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A/N- Okay, here comes more excuses that I'm sure no one cares about lmao. My wifi adapter on my old laptop quit on me, so I can't stay connected to the internet for more than like five minutes at a time, and honestly I despise typing on my phone. Sooo, I got a new laptop right before Christmas, but I didn't like it at all, and I believe it was faulty because it kept overheating fast. So I took it back after New Years and ordered me a new one, but it took a week to arrive. But it came in yesterday, and I finished this chapter that's taken way too long to type! I hope you enjoy it!

Also, I hope everyone that celebrates had a good holiday and new year!!


*Mature (only at the beginning)


I feel good. Like really fucking good. So good I can't stop the moan from tumbling out of my lips. I'm a little confused on the pleasure. Not only coming from the front either. Whatever's thrusting in me suddenly grazes my prostate. Fuck. I look down to see I'm on my hands and knees. What the fuck?

I quickly jerk my head to the side, looking over my shoulder to see Ryland with his hands gripping my waist as his hips meet my ass with every thrust he does. His head is thrown back, and a long groan leaves him, making more heat pool to my stomach. Oh my god. He's so hot. And this feels so incredible. I think I'm about to come.

"Wesley!" A thudding sound makes me rip my eyes open to find myself on my stomach, alone in my bed. "You up and ready to get going?" Dad asks outside the door, knocking on it again.

I lift myself up to my elbows and clear my throat before answering, "Yeah! Let me get ready!"

"Alright. I'll be loading the car up."

I plop back down, burying my face in my pillow before letting a long groan out. That dream... So vivid. And it felt so real. It's never been actual sex with him before. Definitely not in that position either. It's got to be because he mentioned it the other day.

My mind goes over the contents of the dream again, and I find myself pressing my hips down into the bed, the pressure on my dick making me let another sigh out. Fuck. I'm so horny.

"Hey, Son," Dad yells again. "Text Ryland, and make sure he's up and getting ready, too. And see if he doesn't mind meeting us here."


I almost forgot that he's coming. I let another groan out. How the fuck am I supposed to go on the trip with him now? Not to mention his confession is still something that's going to linger in my head. I know he brushed it off, but I still feel like it's something we should discuss in person.

That's not even the worst part, though. Despite the confession and the wet dream, I have to be around him now and somehow act like it's not awkward... because Dad is going to be there.

I want to tell him but not this weekend. This might be our last good memory together, and I don't want it to turn into a terrible one because he ends up hating me. Plus, what if takes his anger out on Ryland? I don't want to see that.

Ignoring the stiffness in my sweats, I grab my phone, unhooking it from the charger before calling the one responsible for it. He answers on the first ring, signaling that he's already awake.

"Good morning." Hearing his voice after that dream makes me feel a little funny inside.

"Uh, yeah. Good morning. I was just calling to see if you were awake."

"Yeah. I'm packed and ready to go."

"You didn't overpack, did you? It's only for one night."

"I don't think so. Two of each clothing item."

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