Chapter 112 - 114

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Chapter 112: Yan Yan, Don’t Listen

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Nan Yan stared at Li Shufen, who was sitting on the ground, loudly berating her. With a cold and icy tone, she spoke, “Shut your mouth.”

Her gaze was frigid and oppressive, causing Li Shufen’s angry cries to come to an abrupt halt.

After a swift survey of her surroundings, her confidence surged, and she resumed her furious tirade:

“You heartless wretch! We raised you for sixteen years! Is this how you treat your father and me?”

“Even a dog has a heart; it wags its tail at me and dares not bare its teeth. But you, you disrespectful child, you’ve even resorted to hitting your father!”

“Oh Lord, there’s no way to live!”

“We just wanted to see you, and you dare to lay hands on us? Are you not afraid of being struck by lightning?”

Nan Hongyang, feeling excruciating pain in his limbs, couldn’t stand up. He could only sit on the ground like Li Shufen, cursing vehemently.

Since it was dismissal time, there were many students at the school gate, and numerous parents had come to pick up their children.

The commotion quickly attracted a crowd.

Among them were students from Class 4 and parents who had seen Nan Yan in the office before.

Seeing this scene, the students from Class 4 were initially inclined to step in and help Nan Yan.

However, they were stopped by the parents beside them.

“What are you doing? Didn’t I tell you all to stay away from this girl?”

Don’t get into any unpleasant disputes with her. Don’t even think about fighting with her. Look, she dares to hit her own parents!” “From now on, don’t have any contact with her. Got it?” The parents of Class 4 were sternly instructing their children.

They didn’t want their children to get involved with Nan Yan.

Previously, she had beaten up all the boys in the class. Such a violent and unruly bad girl was from a different world from their children. They definitely could not let her lead them astray!

The restrained Class 4 students seemed to understand that this was Nan Yan’s own business and that they shouldn’t interfere.

For those who were observing but unaware of the truth, they pointed fingers at Nan Yan and criticized her, one after another.

Nan Yan’s aura grew colder and more agitated. Just as she was about to take action to shut the two people up, a figure walked over to her side.

A tall figure embraced her and covered her ears with his large hands. “Yanyan, don’t listen.”

Nan Yan’s face was pressed against his chest, as if she was hidden in his embrace.

The cool scent of cedar from his body enveloped her, cutting off the annoying sounds and unwanted gazes.

She initially attempted to struggle out of his embrace, but the man’s arms were as unyielding as steel, not allowing her to break free.

Ultimately, she gave up her struggles and waited for him to release her.

Qin Lu noticed that she had calmed down and turned his chilling and somber gaze toward the two people who were yelling and stealing glances at them.

“Wu Yue, take these two into the car.”

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