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Hi people, This is my own little story about some people who have helped me through so rough times. 

I'm writing this book for people who love twin paranormal and seth and chase and Josh and Sam and colby. 

Now I'm not a professional by any means.  That means there will be spelling errors, and mistakes. So please stay with me

There will be cursing, Sexual Assaults', Self harm. No smut, I don't want to push their boundaries as I don't know what that is. If sa or sh are triggers for you, I wouldn't consider reading this book. 

Now this book is mine I don't want any plagiarism or anyone taking my book and claiming it as theirs. I will find you and feed you to the fishes. So you'd be be literally sleeping with the fishes. 

I am in many many MANY fandoms so I might have books that aren't within the YouTube Paranormal people. If you have any recommendations for books let me know. 

 With all this I hope you enjoy.


Love you, eat and drink something amor. 

Your friendly neighbor multi fandom whore. -  Anything you wanna call me

(Also for people getting this notification I'm sorry I meant to publish this a month ago, and I this is me now 12/7/23 at 3:04pm, saying I'm sorry but I don't know when I'll be able to post again depressions hit me like the bus hit George on greys. *My 4th grade English teacher would be proud* and posting is really hard. Again I'm sorry and I love you all💖)

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