The Miller House Pt 1

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A/N I'm not perfect, I fuck up my spelling, and sometimes what book I'm writing so if I fuck up or if you don't like what I've written, with love just shut the fuck and swallow your words.

Lexi POV

  It's been two day's since me Liv and Wy, started talking again.. 

I'm laying in Wyatt's bed with Isa, Eve, Ash. Why Wyatt's? Because we can. We're laughing at the stupidest things when Liv walks in "Dude I'm not even kidding Emma told me, that Mike has a crush on someone and she won't tell me who" "I know who" I say without any hesitation. 

"You remember Levi, He's always been a friend of Em's, Mike's and Bean's?" I ask. Liv's eye's widen "Mrs. Payne are you okay." I ask her using Liam Payne's last name. Li has always been her favorite. Isabella's is Harry Styles, Evelyn's is Niall Horan, Ashley's is Zayn Malik, Mine has always been ✨Louis Tomlinson✨ but I don't think any of us actually has a chance with them. 

"ARE YOU TELLING ME MIKEY LIKES LEVI? OH MY GOD IT MAKES SENSE. Oh my god they'd be so cute" We just stare at her then start laughing, Ash is laughing so hard she can't breathe which makes all of us laugh harder. "What the hell" we stop as we hear Wyatt at the doorway, he looks so confused. We all start bursting out in laughter again. Wyatt rolls his eyes and walks away. We all look at each other, and then starts laughing once again. Eve's laughing so hard she falls off the bed. "Oh- my" I try saying in between my laughs "are-... you-.....okay,.." I ask while trying to catch my breath. I look over to the door way and see Riv staring at me we stare at eachother for a second. 

"Oi, River, what do you know about Seth? Little miss Emma has a crush and they've spent the last two day's with each other"  Liv said while pulling River in the bedroom. A chorus of oooo's surface the room. "Well, how about y'all come on in investigation with us, Seth and Chase will be there." "Nope, I'm out" Ash says. "Same that ghost shit scares me." Isa said. "Wimps" Eve said. " When are we leaving" Livvy asked. "Soon".

                                                                   ~~~Time Skip~~~ 

We pull up to the house. "Holy fucking shit the is beautiful" Eve says. Ryan walks behind her and grabs her bye the waist "And deadly" Ry says. she squeals and slaps his hand. He smirks and lets go. I look over at River and we both just smile at each other. 

"Mis flexi, you feelin any way or seeing anything" Seth asks. "It feels.. weird.." "That's usually how people describe it. Hi, I'm Roman Miller" "Like the house?" Liv asks. "Yes Tyland Miller was my great great great great grandfather" "So your also related to a murderer" Seth says. Roman laughs, "I take it you are too?" "Yup Lizzie Borden's favorite cousin" Seth jokes. " Oh please I'm the favorite" Chase smiles. Roman laughs again, "Alright, well lets get into the tour". 

We walk into the house and a toddler peaks her head around. Like she's playing peak a boo. "Who's the little girl?" I ask. "Oh that's Madelyn, she's one of the most active, and her older sister Bailey are active on the this floor the second floor is where the adults' usually are, The basement is home to the darker entity" Roman says.

  Hi, I'm Maddie, I like your hair, it's pretty. You're pretty. Can you be my friend. "Sure why not, I'm Lexi" Are they mean she asks me while looking at the boys, "No their not mean. Very silly though. And all of us would love it if you played with us when we come back" I tell her Okay she says and I smile and look up. "Everyone's looking at me. "What have you never seen a girl talk to a little girl ghost?" I ask and motion for them to continue. Riv smiles at me. He likes you I hear a new voice, It's Maddie's older sister Bailey. "No he doesn't" I say and follow them up stairs. 

Maddie and Bailey have followed me everywhere. Woah what's that big thing in the redheads hand Bailey asks me "You'll learn everyone's names later, but that's call a camera, Wy hand it here" I tell him he hands it to me. " This screen right here allows everything we see be recorded" Recorded? she asks. "It's a bunch of moving pictures put together, and when we're done here we are going to show it to thousands of people." I finish. So people will know what really happened. "Yes they will if you guys help us" We'll help Maddie and Bailey both say. 

We finish the tour and leave to get food. We have an hour before the investigation starts. "So was Maddie and Bailey nice?" Eve asked.  "Yeah their just kids, they're happy that people will see this video and know what happened." I say.  "What do we want to eat people "TACO BELL" me and Riv yell. Ryan and Wyatt both yell "NO" while everyone else is laughing.  Yet somehow (Rivs driving) we ended up at taco bell. 

                                                                ~~~~~Time skip~~~~~

"TODAY WE'RE AT THE MILLER HOUSE" Ryan yells. "WOOOOOO" We all scream. "Guy's I heard that theirs an evil spirit in the basement" Riv says. "LOOK IT'S A CAT" I scream and walk over to it and pick it up "Are there evil spIrits here? I ask the cat and It meows. "THATS A SIGN WE CAN'T GO IN THERE" Wyatt says. "Wow you guys are terrible. I'll introduce these two girls-" "Fuck off Ry their mine, Lady's and gents this right here is-" I put my arm around Eve "Evelyn  and this is Olivia" I say as i wrap my arm around Liv. "I've known Eve for 7 years, and me and Wy grew up with Livvy" I say. "Alright now PUT YOUR HANDS TOGETHER BOYS and girls" we all put our hands on Ry's While Riv try's to put his foot. "On three. ONE TWO THREE" "MILLY WILLY FILLY TILLY LEXI'S BAIT" We all scream except I don't scream the last part. Instead I go wait what?


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