Chapter 30 - And you said

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Previously on Wicked in Love...


He walked to the bed and sat on the edge. I straddled him, holding his jaw in my hands, marvelling at how heartbreakingly beautiful he was.

There was a smile on his sensual mouth as he looked into my eyes. "Let me make you another promise," he said softly.

My hands slid to his shoulders, down to his chest so that my palms rested against his heart. I felt the strong, quick beat of it. His skin was so warm. "Tell me, Cam."

"I love you," he said gruffly. "It's all or nothing for me. And it's only you I want for the rest of my life. If you'll have me."

"I'll have you." My voice broke. "I'll keep you."

"I never learned how to let go of you, not even once. I fooled myself that I did, but I didn't even try, Kara. I couldn't."

He held my face in his hands, stroking the sides of my neck. I missed this. I missed this so much I ached.

"Kara," he murmured my name against my ear and I heard the plea in it. "Will you let me hold you now?"

"Yes," I breathed, closing my eyes as his thumb stroked my bottom lip.

"Touch you?"

"I need you to."

"Kiss you?"

"I'm going to need you to do more than that."


I drew in a shaky breath when his lips brushed my ear, then skimmed the side of my mouth, teasing, arousing before drawing back to look at my face. That simple touch ignited a firestorm inside me.

With a breathless cry, I pushed up on my knees, my hands gripped his shoulders at the same time his fingers plunged in my hair and our mouths collided.

Cameron moaned, a low and deep sound, as I parted my lips and let his tongue inside. His taste was familiar and yet still a mystery I couldn't get enough of, his scent more intoxicating, his presence more addicting than I remembered.

The kiss went savage and brutal, and I revelled in it. He gripped my waist, lifting and turning me so that I lay on my back on the bed and he was on top of me.

"Do you know how hard I wished for you?" he asked gruffly.

His mouth covered mine again. His very force surrounded me, and I was flooded with sensations. I had lost all ability to form words and did not care. I could toss every single letter into the fire and still have everything I wanted in my arms.

His hands curled around my knees, lifting and bending them, fingers digging into my thighs as he spread my legs wide.

Without breaking our kiss, he thrust between my legs once, twice. I matched his hunger as I wrapped my legs around him, meeting his pumping hips. He growled low in his throat before he wrenched away as though burned.

Everything spun. Suddenly deprived of his weight on top of me, I felt empty. I wanted him back, wanted to feel his hands on my skin, wanted him to anchor me.

Propping myself up on my elbows, I looked up at him. Cameron was at the edge of the bed by my feet. He had put distance between us. He was breathing hard. The intense hunger in his eyes scorched my skin.

I bit my lip as I admired the perfect lines of his body. He was huge, looming over me. His shoulders wide, covering the light that spilled from the kitchen behind him. His chest looked hard and broad, his skin healthy and tan from being outdoors all the time. The jeans he wore rode low on his hips, with the top button unfastened. His stomach was flat and ripped. He looked purely and potently masculine. The yearning to feel his body on me was driving me insane.

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