Chapter 9: Tis the season for forgiveness

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You haven't talked to Yelena in three days. Because you've both been avoiding each other. You spend most of your time at Natasha's house now, and when you go to your dorm, she's never there.

"Baby, let her be. She'll come around." The redhead reassured you.

"But Natty...she's my best friend. I can't not talk to her."

"Look, I know my sister better than anyone. And I know for a fact she will forgive you even though you did nothing wrong in the first place."

"I lied to her, Nat."

"Well, ok maybe you did do something wrong but it's not entirely your fault. The point is, she'll come around. Trust me."

You sighed before leaning your head on your girlfriends shoulder. The two of you are just sitting in the bleachers at the empty stadium. "You know what would be crazy, if we had sex right here." She said randomly.

"What? No! I could never!"

"You're the one that sucked me off in the library!"

"Because I didn't want you walking around with an erection! How embarrassing would that be?"

"Hm but I know it made you wet."

You slapped her on the shoulder, "Whatever. Ugh I need to start studying for finals."

"Come over to mine, we'll have a study session."

"Ok. But I'm inviting our friends because I know is it's just the two of us we won't get anything done."

"Hey, not my fault Mario Kart is much more interesting than art history."

"Why do you even take that class if you don't like it?" Natasha shrugged, "I came here to play soccer, so I just chose random easy classes. Sure, it won't give me a useful degree but I'm planning on going playing for the pros."

"And I know you're going to find a spot on the team. You're one of the best players I know. And I'm not just saying that cause I'm your girlfriend." You assured her.

She cracked a smile, "Thanks, baby. Come on, let me walk you home." The two of you stood up and she wrapped a toned arm around your shoulder as the two of you walked to your dorm.

Once you arrived, you shared a passionate kiss before you went inside your dorm. Closing the door, you turned to see the blonde sitting on her bed, biting the end of her pencil as she looked at the textbook in front of her.

"Hey," you said softly. Yelena looked up from the book and replied, "Hey."

You sat on your bed across from hers and began taking your shoes off.

You sighed, "Look. I understand if you don't want to talk right now, and if you're still mad at me. But I want to be on good terms eventually. You're my best friend, Lena. I don't wanna lose you."

The Russian looked to you with an unreadable expression. "Y/n, I could never be mad at you for that long. I just...I want to protect you. I know my sister and how she is. Seeing her with different girls and breaking their hearts. I didn't want you to be one of those girls. But now..."

"Now what?"

"Now, I see she really cares about you. And that the connection you two share is more than lust or a meaningless crush. You guys are in love and...I guess the saying 'you can't help who you fall for' is true."


"Y/n. Please. I'm sorry. For how I reacted, the things I said and....for making you cry. That was never my intention to make you cry."

"It's ok, you were in shock and emotional, you didn't know what to do."

"So, what I'm asking you is, do you forgive me?"

"Yes, Yelena. I forgive you. Always. And I'm sorry for lying to you. I should've been upfront about it as soon as the relationship started. You didn't deserve that."

"It's ok, Y/n. I understand why you kept it from me. And before you ask, I forgive you." The two of you laughed and then gave each other a hug.

"Let's never fight like that again, ok?" You asked.

"Ok." She replied with a smile.

Guys the next chapter is gonna be really smutty so get ready for that. It might include a threesome??? Idk we will have to see ;)

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