Chapter 10: The First Bucket of Gold!

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“Is this Priest cheating? What kind of cooldown is this? A Holy Light Burst in three seconds? Is he playing with unlimited firepower?”

“Second World has been open for almost four years. Have you ever seen a cheat? There’s not even a bug. This is a virtual space created by the core mastermind of the ruins of a high-level alien civilization. Do you think this is a joke?”

“Compared to his skill cooldown, I’m more concerned about his positioning and maneuvers. Isn’t this too amazing? His attack speed and archery skills are comparable to that of the deity Bullet Rain, right? He’s too slick!”

“Big Brother above, don’t try to scam us! Deity Bullet Rain is a top WWL Archer. Although the Priest in the video is top-notch, he’s only facing ordinary PvE players. If he encounters professional players, he won’t even have room to survive. How can he have time to launch a speedy attack?”

“No matter what, this Combat Priest is something!”

On the forum, many posts about the “mysterious Combat Priest” of the Heavenly Might Server appeared. Soon, they overshadowed the earlier posts about the very popular advancing big brother, Inner Peace.

Soon, a player named All-knowing Man in Ganghood posted an analysis post about “mysterious Combat Priest”, attracting the attention of most players.

This All-knowing Man in Gang Hood was quite famous in Second World. He had a post of Conferred Deity Series. There were a total of 20 people on it, and they were all popular legends in WWL. Therefore, everyone liked to read his analysis posts. After all, his standard was much better than some posts that were just for attracting traffic and clicks.

“Hello everyone, the Server has just opened today. I didn’t expect two highly discussed characters to appear!”

“One of them is a PVE big brother called Inner Peace, and the other is a PVP big brother called Combat Priest!”

“We’re discussing this Combat Priest today!”

“I believe everyone has seen the chaotic battle video. I have to say that this Combat Priest is definitely top-notch in his maneuver! In my previous Conferred Deity posts, there are no more than five people who can make maneuvers like him! Let me explain the reasons next.”

“Everyone knows that the limit of marksman Bullet Rain’s Speedy Attack Archery maneuver is 3 consecutive shots in 1 second, but don’t forget the profession of this Combat Priest! In Second World, other than Assassins and Archers, there is an attack speed penalty for using bows and arrows! The attack speed penalty for Warriors is 10%, while the attack speed penalty for Magic professions is 20%!”

“In the video, the speedy attack archery maneuver of the Combat Priest can be clearly seen in slow motion. It’s 0.41 seconds. In other words, at the same level of operation, if he’s an Archer, his attack speed can reach about 0.33 seconds! Such a statistic is already on par with the marksman, Bullet Rain!”

“Of course, the data on Bullet Rain was when the three servers opened. It has been two years since then, so the level of the Combat Priest can only be said to be the same as Bullet Rain two years ago.”

“However, we can come to a conclusion from this. If this Combat Priest opens a new account and switches to the Archer profession, he will have the strength to enter WWL in at most a year or two!”

“His potential is terrifying! The only thing he lacks is experience.”

“As for the CD problem that everyone is arguing about, I wonder if everyone still remembers the Ultimate Potion? Back then, Longevity Sword used the Ultimate Potion to force Divine Descent into a deadlock! It was not until the ninth round of the fierce battle and the duration of the Ultimate Potion passed that Divine Descent obtained the final victory!”

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