[7]: Sharing

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[A/N: Friendly reminder that this story was edited and character names have changed! If you are lost you may want to go back a chapter to refresh :)

Kolya is now Kieran
Noah is now Niall
Krish is now Cris
Scorpio is now Sergio]

Kieran POV:

I watched Sergio and Bailey attempting to tickle Niall, who flat out refused to laugh, and when Niall chased Bailey around the house. It was truly amazing how much he loved his siblings. It made me wish I had little siblings, it was really funny to watch them bond.

We heard a crash and a thud. We all had to laugh.

"Is he allowed to be doing that?" Isaiah asked. Ms. Melanie just shrugged, obviously saying no but to let it happen.

"There's no stopping him when he's running with them," Ms. Melanie sighed.

"He told me they've done this for years," Cris grinned. "It pays off though, he totally made Wittley look like an idiot."

Ms. Melanie laughed and we joined her.

"He's a whole different person when he's at home. It's so cool."

"It really is. We've had a rough go before we moved here, this home is where we all feel safest," Ms. Melanie smiled.

"That sucks," Isaiah remarked. "The twins are great, though. I really enjoyed hanging out with them."

"I did too," Cris snickered. "I'd come visit for them more than Niall."

I just had to laugh and agree. I really did enjoy the twins, though I did very much like Niall. I guess it was kind of hard to refuse when I'd seen him at his most comfortable. His personality just drew feelings out of me that I didn't think I'd ever feel, and it was getting progressively harder to deny that. Zay knew that just as well as I did...the bastard probably knew since day one.

"Niall, sweetie," I heard Ms. Melanie start. "Would you mind telling us exactly what happened? If it's not too hard to."

He sighed, putting his fork down. "Guess I do owe you an explanation," he said reluctantly. He rested his chin on his fist, tapping a finger on the table, then looking over to us. "Well, it all draws back to middle school. So I might as well tell you guys everything."

"If it's too painful, don't tell us," Isaiah replied. "Just pretend we know exactly what you're talking about."

I nodded. "Unless you're sure you're ready to tell us. If you can't, then it can wait."

He smiled appreciatively at us. His smiles at school were strained and forced, but at home he was a whole different person. He was relaxed, laid-back, playful and fun. He had an attractive personality, and it was so weird for me to be thinking these things.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Cris and Isaiah sharing a smirk, but they wiped them away as soon as they came. I saw, narrowing my eyes at Zay. I always saw, he wasn't as slick as he thought he was.

"Thank you," he sighed, relaxing his tense shoulders, but directing his attention to his mom. "When I went to get Sergio out of bed, he had started crying and screaming," Ms. Melanie's eyebrows drew together. Right off the bat, I knew where this was going. "I ran through the door and saw Garret—" his voice cracked when he said this name, but in that crack there was venom. Very dangerous venom. "He was trying to take Sergio. I-I don't remember exactly what happened after that, but I remember I ripped his nose off and gave him a lot of bruises. If the police hadn't restrained me I would've tore him to shreds," he hissed. "They should've let me. Less wasted oxygen."

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